Chapter 26

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I could hear a faint, annoying, beeping sound out in the blackness as I started regaining consciousness. I slowly tried to open my eyes but quickly slammed them back shut from the intensity of the lights, causing me to groan out. Instantly, I heard shuffling around and felt someone grab ahold of one of my hands, the faint sound of talking reaching my ears at they seemed to be trying to talk to me. "Sweetheart," a male voice said, "can you hear me? Stephanie, baby?" One named popped into my mind as he continued to speak. "N-N-Norman," I croaked out, my voice dry and scratchy from not being used. "Hey sweetheart," I heard him whisper as I slowly tried opening my eyes again, only seeing blurred shapes and shadows for a moment. When my vision finally cleared up I was greeted by beautiful, but worried, blue eyes. I smiled up at him as I lifted up my hand that wasn't being held by him and placed it on his cheek.

"Do you remember what happened to you Stephanie," he asked as his blue eyes searched my green ones to see if he could find the answer there. I thought for a moment before looking away from him and pulling my hand out of his. "Yes I remember," I managed to whisper out. "Stephanie," he said but I didn't look at him so he placed his hand on my stomach causing me to finally look back at him, "when were you going to tell me?" "When I was headed to your place," I whispered out as I turned my face from him again, "how did you find out?" "The doctor," he whispered, "he says the baby's going to be fine. I had Liz take Mingus and your stuff home, she should be back soon." "Liz and Ming were here," I asked as I looked to him again. "Yeah," he said nodding, "as soon as we found you, I went to pick Mingus up from school while Liz rode with you here to the hospital. I'm just glad you're alright. Even happier that the baby is too."

"You mean you want this baby," I asked as my previous doubts from before my accident left my mind. "Of course I do," he whispered as he leaned forward and kissed my forehead, "why would you think I didn't want a baby with you? I love you and you know that. When the doctor told me, and even though you had been in the accident, I was overjoyed to know I was going to have a second child and it be with you." I smiled up at him as tears filled my eyes. "I love you Norman," I said as he leaned forward again and placed a kiss on my lips. "I love you too Stephanie," he whispered once he pulled away. "Stephanie you're awake," I heard the voice of my best friend say as she walked into the room and spied me and Norman talking, "I'm so glad you're alright."

"Hey," I said smiling at her as she ran around to the other side of the bed before wrapping me into a hug as Norman sat back some, "how long was I out for anyway?" "A few days," Norman said causing me to look over at him, "me, Liz, and Ming haven't gone back to school yet because of it. I wouldn't have been able to teach for the fact that I was so worried about you." "A few days," I asked, "I don't remember it being that bad." "The doctor had to sedate you at one point," Liz said, "you were struggling in your sleep against the cords. But now that you're awake and seem fine, you should be able to go home as early as tomorrow." "The doctor said he'd return a little later on today and check on you," Norman said taking my hand in his again, "if he gives you the all clear I'll probably take you home tonight." "Do my parents know," I asked as my voice broke, "have they been to visit while I was out?"

"No," Liz said shaking her head, "when the doctor asked if you had any next of kin that they could contact and inform about your condition at that time I told them no, that your parents had kicked you out. So they know nothing. But my parents do, they've been by to see you once or twice." "Your parents always did treat me like another daughter," I said smiling as I glanced over to see Norman watching us. "You were basically my sister Stephanie," she said smiling as I looked back to her just as my room door opened, revealing Sean. "Hey there Stephanie," he said smiling as he walked in and closed the door behind him, "you gave us all quite the scare. How are you feeling?" "I guess as good as I can be considering the situation at hand," I said smiling as he came to stand behind Liz before reaching his hand out for me to lightly grab ahold of.

"You know you nearly gave Norm here a heart attack as we waited to see if you'd really wake back up," Sean said as he gave my hand a squeeze for letting it go. I glanced over at Norman and watched as he flipped Sean off causing me and Liz to giggle at the childishness. "I'm beginning to question who the real grown-ups are," Liz said as we both started giggling harder. As we slowly calmed ourselves after finally stopping the giggles, my doctor finally walked into the room. "Good to see you're awake Stephanie," he said walking in with a clipboard in hand as Norman stood up from my bed and moved out of the way so the doctor could check up on me, "I'm just going to ask your friends to leave for a moment so I can check and make sure everything's alright. If it all looks good I should be able to release you tonight."

I nodded as I watched Norman, Sean, and Liz walk out of the room, closing the door behind them so that the doctor could do what he need to. By the time he left out of the room, I was told to just lay back and relax and that my release papers would be ready in about an hour or so. Everyone was ecstatic to know I'd be going home by tonight and that we could all go to school the next morning. I was honestly impressed that no one at the school had caught on as to why me, Norman, and Liz hadn't been at school at all. I wondered if anyone even knew why I wasn't at school or why Liz wasn't. The principle and all of the staff in the office knew that Norman was out because of a family emergency but you'd think they'd get suspicious as to why him and two students weren't at school.

When the time finally came for my release out of the hospital, Norman and Sean had gone to get the papers for me while Liz stayed behind and helped me get dressed out of the awful hospital gown that I was placed in. "I told you Norman would be happy about that baby," Liz said smiling as she held me steady while I stepped into my jeans and pulled them up. "Oh shut up Liz," I said laughing as I pulled them up then went to grab my shirt off my bed. "You know when he found out from the doctor about you being pregnant," she said as I pulled the shirt over my head, "before the doctor even said that you and the baby both were fine, he looked so damn worried it broke my heart." "C'mon let's go," I said as I lowered my head, thinking that I could have easily lost this baby and Norman would have been so devastated if I had.

We met Sean and Norman out by the front desk where I signed my release papers before Norman wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Liz," Norman said as we were walking to the doors, "Sean said he'd drive you home. We'll see you two tomorrow at school." "Bye Stephanie," Liz said as she wrapped me in a hug once we were outside. "I'll see you tomorrow Stephanie," Sean said as he replaced Liz and gave me a hug as well. "Bye guys," I said waving as Norman pulled me closer to him while they walked off. Once they were gone I looked up at him to see that he had this smirk on his face. "What," I asked confused as he shook his head before leading me away. "Let's get you home," he said before motioning ahead of him. I looked ahead confused until I spotted what he was pointing at.

"Really," I asked smiling as he smiled back at me. "I didn't know if you'd be coming home today," he said as he pulled out a small leather jacket and handing it over to me to put on, "but I was hoping so. And the weather man said it was supposed to be warmer today than any other day this week and I also know for a fact you've been wanting to ride with me, so now here's your chance." "Thank you Norman," I cried out as I leapt forward into his arms and wrapped mine around his neck while his went around my waist as both my feet came off the ground. I smiled widely as he climbed on his bike first before allowing me to climb on behind him after pulling on his spare helmet before he started the bike and headed for home.

Ok three things for y'all:
ONE: I will be posting the last two updates tomorrow and then this will be completely over. *cries* I know so sad.
TWO: I will be posting two new stories here within a week or so. One is a Daryl related story. The other is a Norman related one that I'm looking forward to trying to write.
THREE: Because this is one of my bigger stories I'm posting this here but I'm wanting to try something new. Lately I've been reading numerous werewolf related stories, and even though I barely know much about writing those kinds I would like to try writing one. Norman would be the lead male but he wouldn't be himself, understand? I want everyone's honest opinion about me writing something like that. If I do I might seek out the help of one of my close friends because I think she likes these sort of things.
Anyway that is all and please comment your opinions.

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