Chapter 16

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I slowly stood up after Norman told me to come out from behind his desk. I didn’t want to, I didn’t think I could face Mr. Flanery after he walked in and saw everything. “Norman,” he said not even looking my way as I stood behind his desk, “I didn’t help you get this job so you could fuck your students. What the hell is wrong with you man. I didn’t picture you as that kind of man.” “Sean,” he said, “can I please explain everything?” “What’s there to explain man,” Sean asked as Norman stepped closer to him. “For starters I didn’t plan on anything like this happening,” Norman said, “Sean you know me! I’m not that kind of person Sean you know that. Nothing like this was going to happen had I not met Stephanie. Believe me I wasn’t too comfortable with the idea, she’s not either, but we’re giving it a shot anyway.” “Man I’m worried about you,” Sean said his voice not as loud anymore, “I’m worried what would happen if you got caught with her like I just caught you.”

“We’ll be more careful,” Norman said to his friend, “we shouldn’t have done that in here anyway, it just sort of happened. But I want to know how you got in here when I locked my room door after all my other students left the classroom.” “I figured you were in here alone and didn’t want to be disturbed,” Mr. Flanery said before glancing between me and Norman, “for a reason other than what I walked in on. You gave me your spare room key just in case you lose your main one. You have a tendency to misplace some things at times. So I used the key to unlock the door.” “Right I forgot I gave you that key,” Norman said rubbing the back of his neck as he laughed nervously while I continued to just stare. “As for you,” Mr. Flanery said turning his attention to me. “Me,” I asked nervously as I felt my nerves tighten the knot in my stomach. “Yes you,” he said with a completely serious look on his face, “don’t hurt him, he’s getting old.” He sent me a wink before I looked down, covering my mouth with one of my hands to hide a giggle while I heard Norman say something to Mr. Flanery.

“Hey don’t forget you’re older than me Sean,” Norman said swatting at his arm before he ducked out of the classroom. I sobered up as Norman closed and relocked his classroom door. Getting caught by Mr. Flanery like that made me realized, maybe Norman and I shouldn’t be in this kind of relationship. “Stephanie,” I heard Norman’s voice call out causing me to come out of my doubtful thoughts about our relationship, “sweetheart what’s wrong?” “Maybe us getting caught by Mr. Flanery like that was a sign Norman,” I said looking at him then down at the floor, “maybe we shouldn’t be together like this. I mean what’s to say next time it’s not the principle. You could lose your job over this, maybe get sent to jail. It doesn’t matter that I’m eighteen, you’re still my teacher and I’m still your student.” “Stephanie we won’t get caught,” he said walking over to me and placing both hands on my cheeks so I’d look up at him, “we just have to be more careful. Nothing bad will happen I promise.” “Norman don’t you get it,” I asked as I felt tears in my eyes, “him walking in on us should be a wakeup call, I’m sorry.”

I pulled out of his reach, getting a final look at his face, looking completely broken. I turned my back to him at the front of the classroom and made my way towards the classroom door to leave and head to spend the rest of lunch with Liz. “Stephanie,” Norman called out causing me to stop momentarily and looked back at the broken man before me, “I love you.” Stunned, all I could do was stare at him confused. “W-what,” I asked hoping I wasn’t hearing him wrong when he said the three biggest words any man could say. “I do Stephanie,” he said walking over to where I stopped halfway between the door and him, “I love you. So very much. I’d do anything I can to keep you in my life now. You mean the world to me and Mingus loves having you around.” He was standing directly in front of me by the time he finished talking, staring down at me as I felt tears brimming my eyes for a different reason now.

I stared up into his blue eyes, searching for any signs that he’d just say those words to keep me from walking out that door, but his eyes revealed he was speaking the truth. My green eyes went back and forth between his blue ones as I watched his look down at my lips for a fraction of a second before returning to my own eyes. I smiled up at him as he wrapped his arms gently around my waist while mine moved up to rest on his shoulders while he smiled down at me. “I love you Stephanie,” he whispered again causing my smiled to widen as he lowered his head down, bringing his lips to my own in a sweet and gentle kiss that only proved his love for me. “I love you too Norman,” I said smiling after pulling away from him and watching his own smile appear on his face as he nestled his head in the crook of my neck while still holding me tightly.

That afternoon, after school had ended, I was nothing but smiles as I stood by my car with Liz while we waited for Norman to walk out of the school. As the parking lot cleared, and students left one by one, Liz looked over at me like I had grown a second head or something. “Stephanie you’ve been smiling all this time since we’ve been out here,” she said raising an eyebrow at me, “what aren’t you telling me?” “Um,” I started but was cut off by Mr. Flanery walking up to us. “Stephanie I trust that you and Norman will take my advice and be careful from now one right,” he asked sending me a wink as my face reddened instantly. “He knows,” Liz asked from beside me shocked as she pointed at Mr. Flanery. “He um,” I said rubbing the back of my neck and looking away, “kind of walked in on something.” “Yes I did and yes I do,” he said before turning to look at Liz, “you girls have a good evening. And Stephanie, remember what I told you in Norman’s classroom.”

He sent me another wink for before looking one last time at Liz with a smile and finally walked away just as Norman came walking out of the school. Liz watched Mr. Flanery’s retreating form before looking back to me as I was still blushing as I remembered what he had said in Norman’s class. “Am I missing something here,” she asked eyeing me suspiciously while I just shrugged before pushing off my car where I was leaning and meeting Norman halfway to the parking lot. “Hey there,” he said smiling as he bent down and brought his lips to my own for a gentle kiss. “You know we still haven’t discussed our plans for the break,” I said as I pulled away from the kiss. “We’ll figure it out I promise Stephanie,” he said wrapping his arms around my waist as he rested his forehead against mine. “You know you could always say you’re coming over to my house some during the break,” Liz said stepping up and causing Norman and I to pull back and look at her, “I mean it’s not like you don’t normally come to my house to spend the night more than once during some holiday break.”

“Are you sure you’re alright with that though,” I asked, “I feel guilty as is that you did that for me months ago when I first went to spend the night at his house without my parents’ permission.” “It’s no problem I promise,” she said smiling at me, “you’re like my sister and I’d do anything for you. Including lie so you could go spend time with your boyfriend over here.” I rolled my eyes as she sent a wink my way before I turned my attention back to Norman. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning,” Norman said bending down again and placing a light peck on my lips, “I love you.” “Love you too,” I said smiling as he pulled away and walked over to his bike. “Oh my God did he just say I love you to you,” Liz asked running over to me and grabbing my arms to make me look at her. “Yeah,” I said nodding with my smile still on my face, “that’s what I was going to tell you about before Mr. Flanery popped by. He told me he loved me earlier today in his classroom.” “Oh my God I’m so happy for you,” she squealed as she hugged my tightly while I laughed. “Me too,” I said, “now let’s go home.”

Well that was certainly emotional. Ok two things for y'all:
1) follow my twitter Normans_Girl93 for updates on which story I'm working on, when it'll be updated, and also when it's updated.
2) Not that I'm saying I'd mention more to it and this most likely won't have a sequel, but who thinks Stephanie should become at least pregnant before the end of this? (Whether or not I write about the whole pregnancy and birth is a different matter so keep that in mind)
Comment opinions love to hear from y'all.
- Kenz

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