Chapter 8 **Norman's POV**

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I put Ming to bed before I walked to the upstairs closet, grabbing the blankets and pillow I promised Stephanie downstairs. Before I made my way back downstairs where she was at, I remembered she was wearing jeans and a small shirt so I walked into my room pulling out a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt then headed downstairs. When I reached the bottom of the stairs and looked over towards the windows in the living room, I spotted Stephanie in the same place she had been when I went upstairs before. “Stephanie,” I said causing her to jump as it had been quiet before, “sorry. Here’s the blankets and pillow I promised. Also I know you would probably rather not sleep in that so I brought you a pair of pajama pants and a shirt to change into. The bathroom is upstairs.” “Thanks Mr. R,” she whispered as she walked over and took the things out of my hand before turning and walking to the couch.
“I’ll um, I’ll be in my room if you need anything Stephanie,” I said as she sat the things down on the couch, “shout if you need anything.” “Thanks again Mr. R,” she said. I smiled and nodded once before walking up the stairs into my room. I laid back on my bed as I listened to the storm outside when I heard soft footsteps walking up the stairs and into the bathroom. I knew she was probably gonna try and go to bed soon so I rolled over in bed and got comfortable. Mingus was out like a light in his room so I knew the storm wouldn’t bother him anymore, but I didn’t know how she felt about storms. I listened as each time the thunder sounded, it got closer and louder. Stephanie had since returned downstairs, but I couldn’t fall asleep, not really knowing how she was gonna take the storm.
I think I might have dosed off at one point when there was a loud crash of thunder that managed to shake the house. I got up out of bed to check on Mingus, making sure he was still sound asleep and undisturbed by the storm. After peeking my head into his room, I closed the door back and headed back down the hall upstairs to my room, passing by the stairs as I did. I glanced down to see that there was a light on down there. Sighing, I decided I should probably go down and check on her, make sure she’s handling the storm okay. Walking down the stairs, I see that it’s the light by the couch in the living room that’s on but no other light. “Stephanie,” I whisper hoping maybe she just accidently left the light on when she fell asleep.
“Hey Mr. R,” came a soft reply from the couch. I looked closer and could see her sitting where she was facing the large windows with her legs pulled up to her chest and her arms wrapped tightly around them. “You alright Stephanie,” I asked concerned when I could see she actually looked scared. “I guess,” she mumbled as she rested her chin on her knees. “You don’t like storms do you,” I asked trying to hide the smile that I knew wouldn’t help the situation. “Not really,” she said shaking her head as I watched a smile of her own cross her face, “by the way thanks for the clothes to sleep in. You didn’t have to give me anything.” “I know,” I said smiling, “but I don’t think you would have been comfortable sleeping in a pair of jeans.” “I guess you’re right,” she said after lifting her head from her knees only to look down at them before looking out towards the window.
“If you need anything I’ll be upstairs,” I said as I went to turn and leaving the living room. “Wait Mr. R,” she said causing me to stop halfway between where I had been standing before and the stairs, “if it’s not too much to ask, would you mind sitting down here with me? At least until the storm lessens some.” I smiled at her and nodded as I walked back to the couch and around it to sit down beside her. I watched as she moved her feet to where they were back on the floor once I had taken my seat beside her. As we sat there, listening to the rain and wind outside, I’d cast a quick glance beside me to see her playing with her hands in her lap. It was so quiet down there with the two of us that the next clap of thunder frightened not only her but me also.
I was shocked momentarily when she jumped and found herself curled up as close as possible to me as she screamed in fright from the thunder. “Oh my God I’m so sorry Mr. R,” she said quickly scooting away after realizing what she’d done. “It’s okay Stephanie,” I said smiling over at her as I placed my arm closest to her on the back of the couch for a moment, “if it helps you can come back over here. I know what it’s like to be scared of storms like this.” “Thanks,” she mumbled as I watched a light blush creep up onto her face as she slowly moved her way back over to me before curling up beside me again, “where you scared of storms like this?”
“When I was about Mingus’ age yeah,” I said as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders while she brought her feet up behind her as she rested her head on my shoulder. It felt weird doing this, she was my student after all, but I didn’t like knowing she was scared and if this helped her overcome that fear then I was willing to help. “How did you stop being so scared of them,” she asked as I tried to rub her arm soothingly without creeping her out in the process. “Um,” I said thinking, “I’m not sure really. I think it just gradually went away.” “I feel so childish for this,” she said with a small humorless laugh, “being scared of a sound.”
“You know you shouldn’t,” I said, “everyone has something they’re afraid of at one point in their life. Some get over it, others don’t.” “You think I’ll ever get over this fear,” she asked pulling back a little to look up at me and watch my face as I respond to her question. “You might one day,” I said honestly, “it all depends on how you look at whatever’s scaring you really.” I watched as she thought about what I had told her, her eyes looking back and forth between mine. “Mr. R why are you still single anyway,” she said after a few minutes of silence as she still searched my eyes. “Don’t know,” I said honestly, “guess I haven’t found the right person since Mingus’ mom.”
I watched as she finally looked away and down to her hand which were folded in her lap. “Mr. R can I try something,” she asked as she refused to look up at me now, “and you not freak out or anything over it?” “I don’t know,” I said, “depends on what you want to try.” “Well um,” she said and I could hear the nervousness in her voice before she turned to face me with a blush on her face, “I was kind of wondering if I could kiss you.” She mumbled her words and I wasn’t sure I heard her correctly before she turned her head to look away from me. “Oh I don’t know about that Stephanie,” I said pulling away from her enough so I could see her face better, “I’d get in so much trouble for that.” “Not as much as you think,” she said quickly as she turned back to face me, “I’m eighteen. I’m a legal adult. I may be your student but I’m still an adult.”
“Now why would you want to kiss me,” I asked trying to hold back another laugh, “when there are plenty of teenage boys you could kiss that you go to school with?” “I don’t know,” she said shrugging, “I guess because I kind of have a crush on you and not some teenage boy at school.” “So you really wanna kiss me,” I asked as I watched her reaction. “Yeah,” she said nodding slightly, her blush still ever present on her face. I glanced between her eyes, judging her honestly to see she did in fact want that. I smiled slightly as I slowly leaned closer to her, my eyes going from hers to her lips and then back up to her eyes as we both drew closer together. The second her lips touched mine, I felt the both of us smile as we held our closed mouth kiss longer than normal. When I finally pulled away she was smiling, as was I.

Yay I updated! Also just a heads up, this story is mainly in Stephanie's POV unless otherwise stated in the chapter title. Also don't forget to follow me on Twitter @Normans_Girl93
- Kenz

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