Chapter 14

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“Stephanie you look like shit,” Liz said giggling as she helped me grab my bag out of the back of my car while I walked funny from the soreness in my nether region. “Ha ha very funny Liz,” I groaned out as I tried walking into her house and peered around the corner for her parents, “I’ll explain everything once we’re in your room.” “Right c’mon then,” she said smiling as she carried my bag and walked ahead of me and up the stairs, well that’s going to be challenging. I glared the whole painful walk up the stairs as she smiled down at me and giggled. “You know if I didn’t know any better I’d swear you had sex either last night or this morning,” Liz said rolling her eyes and walking off with a giggle, “so why did you ask if you could spend the night here when you’re supposed to be home today?”
“Um,” I said as I gingerly sat down on her bed after finally making it up the stairs to her room. “You alright Stephanie,” she asked looking at me worriedly now. “Peachy,” I groaned out as I fell back on her bed with my legs dangling off the side. “Oh my God Stephanie is that a hickey,” Liz asked while pointing at the side of my neck where the hair that was once covering it had fallen away. I lifted my head to look at her as I felt a blush crossing my cheeks, knowing exactly what was going to come out of her mouth next. “Stephanie why exactly are you sore,” Liz asked as I looked away, my blush intensifying. “Well you see,” I said but trailed off. “Stephanie,” Liz said when it was apparent I wasn’t going to answer. “I may or may not of had sex with Norman this morning,” I said still looking away from her but I moved my eyes to watch her reaction.
It was like time slowed down or something as I watched her jaw slowly open as she processed what I just told her. “You what,” she asked, trying to keep her voice down so her parents wouldn’t come up here and ask. “Well you see,” I said as I slowly looked up at her, “last night Norman and I um, well he, did a little exploring before bed. When he found out I had been a virgin he stopped what he was doing. Then this morning things escalated intimately between us and one thing led to another.” “Wait Norman,” she asked, “you two are on a first name basis now?” “Just when it’s me and him or when it’s only you around,” I said shrugging like it was no big deal because it wasn’t. “Okay so what you’re saying is you actually slept with him,” she asked while I nodded, “you gave your virginity to him?”
“What part of me saying I had sex with my teacher didn’t you understand,” I asked sounding slightly annoyed. “Oh no I understand perfectly,” she said smiling widely, “just making sure you’re not lying.” “Why the hell would I lie about this,” I asked offended. She shrugged before smiling widely and jumping on me and hugging me. “You finally did it,” she squealed as she hugged me tightly, “you finally had sex and it was with that sexy teacher of ours!” “You’re weird Liz,” I said laughing as she finally pulled away and we both sat back up on the bed. “But I really am glad that you finally did it,” she said calming down, “did you two use protection?” “Not exactly,” I said, “remember I’m already on birth control ‘cause I’d always get these terrible cramps on my period causing me to miss school some days because of it.”
“Oh yeah I remember that,” she said, “so, now what’s going to happen between you and Norman?” I looked over at her as I thought about that. “I don’t know,” I said shrugging, “I’m hoping we’ll find a way around the student-teacher relationship so that we can be together.” “Hey,” Liz said lightly elbowing me as I got lost in my thoughts, “you and Norman should totally help me hook up with Mr. Flanery.” I looked over at her stunned as my jaw dropped to the floor. “You’re on your own with him,” I said laughing, “we don’t even know if he’d be in to the whole student-teacher relationship to begin with. Although I could probably ask Norman about it.” “Please Stephanie,” she begged wrapping her arms tightly around me as she did. “I’ll try but no promises,” I said as she squealed in delight before letting me go.
I rolled my eyes at her as I stood up and walked out of her room with my phone in hand so I could call my parents. I told them that Liz wanted me to stay another night and not to worry about my homework because I didn’t have much to do and I could complete it the next day when I got home. I walked back into her room once I got the okay from my folks about staying again. She looked up at my entrance to her room while I stood there staring at her a moment. “What,” she asked raising one eyebrow at me in confusion. “Could I go soak in a nice warm bath,” I asked smiling weakly at her. Now she was the one to roll her eyes while smiling and nodding then motioning to her personal bathroom.
I grabbed my phone and a change of clothes before sending Liz and knowing look while she just simply shrugged. I knew better than to leave my phone lying around at her house, she’d go through it in a heartbeat just to see what was going on in my life. Sitting my phone on the edge of the tub, I moved to the faucet and turned the nozzles, searching for the right temperature before putting the stopper in and undressing. Once the water was the right temperature and there was a good enough amount in the tub, I gingerly climbed in and sat back, relaxing instantly as the warm water washed over my sore muscles. Sighing as I stretched out as much as I could in the tub, I relaxed and allowed the warmness of the water to wash away all the tension in my body.
As I sat in the tub, I heard my phone go off beside my head. Looking and reaching over for it, I picked it up and unlocked it to reveal a new text message. Clicking on my , I opened it to reveal it was from Norman himself. Smiling as I opened the message, I couldn’t help but laugh. Hey sweetheart wanted to make sure you’re alright and I hope you enjoyed yourself this weekend. I’ll see you Monday at school. I felt a blush creep upon my face as I remember what happened not only last night but this morning as well. I quickly typed him back a reply saying I was fine and just soaking in a nice hot bath before I locked my phone back and placed it on the edge of the tub once more before closing my eyes and relaxing again.
I must have dozed off in the water because the next thing I hear was Liz’s obnoxious knocking at the bathroom door and the water was no longer warm. “Stephanie did you fall asleep in there,” she said as she knocked again, “wake up! Mom says dinner is ready!” “I’ll be out in just a minute,” I said quickly climbing out of the cool water and drying off with a towel. Slipping on my underwear and short I had grabbed, I noticed I was still a tad bit sore but not as bad as before so it wouldn’t be so awkward to eat with her parents, I just had to make sure the obvious hickey that Liz pointed out earlier stayed hidden behind my curtain of brown hair. Slipping my bra and tee on next, I grabbed my phone and used towel and headed out the bathroom door while trying to towel dry my hair.
“Took long enough,” she said smirking at me while I just rolled my eyes. Tossing the towel in her clothes hamper she had in her room, I fixed my hair so it hid the mark on my neck before turning to smile at Liz. “I’m ready now,” I said smiling as she rolled her eyes before linking her arm through my own and the both of us walking downstairs to the dining room. “Did you seriously fall asleep in the bath,” Liz asked as we made our way slowly downstairs. “I guess so,” I said shrugging, “I didn’t even realize I was that tired.” “You did sleep last night right,” she asked sending me a wink while I elbowed her. “I told you,” I said, “that didn’t happen until this morning.” “Right sure it didn’t,” she said winking at me before removing her arm from my own and walking to her spot at the table. I rolled my eyes before greeting her parents and then taking my seat next to her to enjoy dinner with my second family.

Teacher's Aide (A Norman Reedus Love Story) ✔Where stories live. Discover now