Chapter 2

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Fuck,” I groaned out in a whisper when his eyes finally looked away from me and to a student near the front of the classroom who had asked him a question about why he was here as a teacher. He had mentioned that today he was just going to spend the period getting to know his students and allow us a chance to get to know him as well. “What,” I heard Liz whisper from beside me as I slowly sunk lower into my seat to try and hide away from his blue eyed gaze that seemed to travel to where I sat every five minutes. I had found myself caught up in his gaze and finally looked away and over to Liz who was looking at me like I had grown another head or something. “On the way to Mr. Martin’s class,” I whispered as I sank even lower and hid behind the boy in front of me, “I wasn’t watching where I was walking. I, uh, I kinda ran into him.”
I jerked my chin in his direction to clarify to her that I was talking about our new teacher. “Okay,” she said confused a little still at my sudden nervousness about the teacher, “wait, do you happen to like him already or something?” “No,” I said shaking my head as I glanced around my shield to see Mr. Reedus was looking my way, again. “I bet you do,” she said smiling widely at me, “hey you gotta lose it sometime. Why not to him?” She sent me a wink and I felt my face heat up worse than when he had looked back at me earlier this morning and smiled. “Oh my God,” I said horrified, “I am not having this conversation with you Liz!” She beamed brightly at me then turned her attention back to the front and I just kept my head down, now more than ever to hide the blush that was still on my face.
I went back to my doodling, catching every other thing that was said between Mr. Reedus and the other students. I think I heard him say that he was an old friend with another teacher here and that was the reason why he started teaching in the first place. Just as he finished announcing what we’d be doing next time we were in class, the bell rang signaling the end of third period and the beginning of Lunch. “Save me a seat outside,” I asked as Liz quickly got up with her bag, “I need to have a word with Mr. Reedus. Let him know why he’ll see my name three times on his roster.” “Uh-huh sure,” she said with a wink then quickly ran out of the room before I could hit her for that comment. I groaned as she disappeared out the door along with the last student, leaving it just Mr. Reedus and myself. I took a deep breath then gathered my things and stood up, making my way nervously over to where he sat at his desk.
“Um excuse me,” I whispered, trying to keep my voice from shaking, “Mr. Reedus?” He looked up at me, his blue eyes meeting my green ones once again as I tried hard not to let the blush from earlier reappear on my face. “Yes,” he asked, “um, Stephanie is it?” “Yes sir,” I said nodding as I was still very much nervous about this. “Well what can I do for you Stephanie,” he asked as he sat back in his chair still looking up at me. All I wanted to do was melt under his gaze but I fought that urge. “I, um, I wanted to let you know I’m you’re teacher’s aid for two of your classes this year,” I said as I heard my voice shake a little and mentally smacked myself for it, “I have your class again after lunch to help with your freshman class then I have you again tomorrow in last period to help with your sophomore class.”
“Ah, I wondered why I saw your name listed three times,” he said smiling and I really did want to melt then, “good then maybe you could help me get used to teaching here.” “Um,” I said as I felt my cheeks burning with heat and just knew I had a blush there that I couldn’t hide, “yeah sure. I think I could do that.” “Okay,” he said still smiling at me then stood up, “I won’t keep you from your lunch any longer. Here I’ll walk you to the door.” “O-okay,” I stuttered as I turned around and made my way to the door. I suddenly felt him place his hand at the top of my back, like he was leading me to the door, and I fought so hard to keep the shudder I got from his touch unnoticeable. But I’m not sure I succeeded in that because he smiled down at me when he opened the door, his hand still on my back. “I will see you again after lunch,” he said smiling down at me as I slowly stepped out of the classroom and looked back, finally returning his smile with a shy one from me.
I walked down the hall towards the outside courtyard and when I heard the classroom door close, I glanced back and made sure he wasn’t watching then bust into a run towards where I know Liz will be sitting. When I reach where she’s sitting, I glance around to make sure we’re alone and looked back down in time to see her giving me a confused look. “What’s wrong,” she asked as I basically collapsed to my knees beside her, trying to catch my breath after running from the classroom to here. “I don’t think I can handle being his teacher’s aid,” I gasped out, trying to take control over my pounding heart. “What,” she asked shocked, “why?” I couldn’t answer her, even I didn’t know the answer to that.
I just simply looked up at her, meeting her confused gaze as I continued to slow my breathing and my heart rate. “You like him,” she said with a confident tone to her voice, “I can see it in your eyes.” “I don’t know if I like him or not,” I said honestly, wouldn’t be worth the energy to try and lie to her. “I really think you do,” she said smiling sweetly at me, she wasn’t acting like I figured she would, “I suspected it ever since he walked into the class and you started hiding behind that boy.” “Is it a bad thing,” I asked and I know there was worry clear on my face as her expression softened even more. “I don’t think it is,” she said smiling, “and even if he doesn’t feel the same way, like most teachers, then it really doesn’t hurt to have a crush on him. It’s only natural.” “That’s just it,” I whispered, “I think he was flirting with me before I left.” I heard her gasp, causing me to look up to see an expression on her face that I didn’t recognize.

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