Chapter 17

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"So are you claiming to come to my house some during the break so you can go visit Mr. Sexy over there," Liz asked whispering as we made our way up to the front of the class on the last day of school before Christmas Break after all the other students had left the room for lunch. "I guess so," I said before smiled to Norman who greeted me with a long awaited kiss by his desk. "What are you two girls gossiping about now," Norman asked once he pulled away from the kiss and wrapped his arms around my waist while pulling my back to his chest and resting his head on the top of mine. "You two," Liz said smiling up at him, "and whether or not she's claiming to come to my house so she can go to yours. Does your son even know about you two being together yet?" "Not exactly," Norman said, "he just knows Stephanie comes over often. She hasn't spent the night since that first day she came to my house to tutor him."
"Do you plan on telling your son that you're dating ultimately one of your students," Liz asked causing me to glare at her. "Eventually yes," he said calmly behind me, "I'm hoping to maybe tell him sometime during the break, maybe whenever Stephanie is there with me. Is that okay with you sweetheart?" "It's whenever you want to tell him," I said looking up into his baby blue eyes, "I'm surprised you haven't told him already though." Norman just manages a shrug before there's a knock at the door and in walked none other than Mr. Flanery himself. "Back again I see," Norman said earning a giggle from me and Liz. "Hi Mr. Flanery," we say together earning a smile from him afterwards. "Hi ladies," Mr. Flanery said smiling at us before turning his attention to Norman behind me, "Norman, mind if I join you three for lunch today?" "That's up to Stephanie and Liz if you can," Norman said as Mr. Flanery turned his attention to us. "You can join us," Liz said quickly and patted the desk beside where she was leaning with a smile, "I'm tired of feeling like a third wheel anyway."
That earned her a smile from Mr. Flanery and a smack on the arm from me. "Ow abuse," Liz said rubbing her arm where I hit her. "That's what you get," I said grinning while she just glared. "So what's everyone's plan for the holidays," Mr. Flanery asked after we finished our bickering. "Well I'll be spending some time with my son for Christmas and I think Stephanie will be there too some of the time," Norman said behind me as I felt him move his head to look at me. "I'll be spending some of it with Norman," I said, "then some with my own family and with Liz like every year." "Just spending it with my family and Stephanie," Liz said, "what about you Mr. Flanery?" "I haven't decided yet what all I'll do," he said shrugging his shoulders. "Hey we should throw a small Christmas party Norman," I said looking back and smiling at him, "nothing big or fancy just a small group of friends. We could invite Liz and Mr. Flanery here too."
"Yes I love parties," Liz said enthusiastically. "We know," me, Mr. Flanery, and Norman all said together before all four of us busted into a fit of laughter. "So Liz," Mr. Flanery said after everyone calmed down to an extent after all the laughter, "you seem to hang out with Stephanie a lot still even after she started dating her teacher, are you into the whole student-teacher dating thing?" I turned to stare wide eyed at Norman that Mr. Flanery had just asked that question so casually like it was nothing serious. I turned back to look at Liz just as she composed her face, also not having expected him to say that in the least, before answering him. "Well," she said with the most serious of expressions I've seen on her face since the very day I met her, "I can be." "Is that so," Mr. Flanery said sending Liz a wink just before the bell rang while she was giggling, "well it's time to be getting back to my classroom. Talk to you three later. Norman let me know if you and Stephanie do agree to have that Christmas party."
I watched as Mr. Flanery left out of the room, Liz sending me the biggest smile I've seen on her face before she herself walked out of the room after him. "Did that just happen," I asked Norman after she was gone while we waited for the first wave of his students to walk in. "I think it did Stephanie," he said looking down at me, seeming just as shocked as I was. "I don't think he realizes it but he just made Liz's day," I said shaking my head, "that girl has had a crush on him since we've been here in high school." "I'm sure he realized what he did," Norman said smiling at me, "now you need to be getting to class before you're late. I'll see you after school." "Yes sir," I said smirking up at him as he leant down and placed a quick kiss on my lips before pushing me towards the door, "I'll see you after school." He smiled at me before I turned and left out the door, closing it behind me.
After school, Liz and I were sitting out in the parking lot by my car, waiting for everyone to leave for the holidays and for Norman to walk out of the school. "So what are yours and Norman's actual plans for the break," Liz asked grinning at me with a knowing look. "I honestly don't know," I said shrugging, "probably not what you're thinking. He'll have his son for a good bit of the break." "I'm sure you two will still have some fun," Liz said, "whenever he's not there to witness it." "You're horrible you know that Liz," I said laughing as I lightly shoved her away. "You two girls gossiping again I see," Norman said popping up in front of us. "Of course," I said giggling as I stood to greet him with a small kiss just as I heard a throat clearing. Pulling back and looking around Norman, I spotted Mr. Flanery standing back a few steps with his arms crossed and a smiled on his face. "I would advise you two to keep that to being in private," he said smirking, "wouldn't want you to get busted on school grounds for kissing a student now would you Norman?"
"Of course not," Norman said smirking back, "but then again, you were flirting with a student yourself in my classroom right in front of me." "Touché," Mr. Flanery said smiling at Norman before looking to us, "well ladies perhaps I'll see you both over the break. Have a Merry Christmas." "You too Mr. Flanery," Liz and I said together as we waved goodbye to him. Turning our attention back to Norman, I smiled up at him as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "Mingus won't be at my house till the day before Christmas Eve," Norman said smiling down at me, "so I'll see you tomorrow. And I don't know about a Christmas party but I might agree to a New Year's Eve party. Mingus won't be home so I won't have to worry about his mom cussing me out for keeping him up all night." "Okay Norman," I said smiling as I stood up on my toes to give him a light peck, "I'll see you tomorrow afternoon when I can manage to get away from my parents." "I love you and I'll see you tomorrow afternoon," he said as he pulled away from me, smiling before turning and walking over to his bike.

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