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Sia | Hannah

"...So now you friends with him?"

"I guess so"

"And you don't think that's weird?"

"I guess it kinda is, but he's actually nice to talk to."

"Are you okay in the head, Sia? I mean, you hate guys."

"I don't hate guys"

"Yes, you do."

"No, I just hate the ones at our school. Specifically the ones on the football team"

"You know all the other girls love them. Especially Ryder Daniels"

"Don't even mention his name."

"Okay, all the girls love 'he who must not be named"

"Honestly, think I prefer Voldemort over him"

"You know he's the reason Fred Weasley died"

"Why are we talking about Harry Potter"

"You started it"

"Hannah, what do you want?"

"Sia, just be careful of this phone guy. Okay?"

"We're just talking"

"Talking can lead to flirting, flirting can lead to meeting, meeting can lead to.."

"I think I get it"

"Just be careful yeah?"


"Also, open your door. I'm outside"

"Couldn't we just talked when you got here?"

[Ends Call]

"I wanted some company on my way here"

"You're too much"

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