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Sunshine | McClane

"You're a girl right?"

"Last time I checked"

"Okay so would you like a bracelet or earrings or necklace or rings?"

"Can you send all that through the phone?"

"Funny. It's for my girlfriend"


"So which one?"

"I don't really know your girlfriend or what she would like"

"Well if you were my girlfriend what would you like?"


"Hello? Sunshine? You there?"

"Yeah, I'm here"


"Bracelet. I would like a bracelet"


"No problem"

"It's actually her birthday so I'm gonna surprise her."


"Already got the balloons, cake and now gonna get bracelet"


"Uh, you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"You don't sound it"

"I'm fine, McClane."

"Okay then. I gotta run, talk to you later, bye"

[Call Ends]

"Bye McClane"

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