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Sunshine | McClane


"You bitch!"

"Excuse me?"

"How could you? I was nothing but faithful to you, and you *hiccup* you cheated on me?"


"Don't call...don't call me that. Only my Sunshine can call me that and you are not her."

"You're drunk"



"Why would you do that to me? I was faithful. I thought you were my girl, and you go and suck faces with that prick!?"


"Everyone calls me a player, a jerk, someone who just uses girls, but I never did anything bad. Any girl I got with, knew it was just a casual thing. I made that clear from the start, and this is what you do to me?"


"No, you listen! I'm done being the good guy. You wanted out, you're out. You're nothing but a slut and bitch, just fuck off."

[Call Ends]


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