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Sunshine | McClane

10 years later...

"Mm Hello?"



"Yeah, it's me baby"

"Go away"

"You know things right now, between us, aren't going so great, and I feel you know it too"

"You're right"


"You're right"

"I am?"

"It's been 10 years..."


"So it's been 10 years"

"I know"

"It's weird to still be calling me like this"

"Pssh no it's not"

"You know we're married right?"

"How could I ever forget?"

"Yet, you forget how much I hate being woken up, in the middle of the night"

"It's your birthday!"

"Let me sleep"

[Call Ends]

Sia puts her phone away and turns in bed, to go back to sleep.

Before she could, Ryder pulled her closer and pecks her lips.

"Happy Birthday, Sunshine." He told her, against her lips.

Sia just smiled at her dorky husband, "Thanks McClane," she mumbled, as she kissed him back.

It's been ten years since Ryder and Sia confessed their feelings towards each other.

They became high school sweethearts and unsurprisingly a popular couple in school, especially after what Ryder did.

Throughout the years, Ryder always made sure to call Sia at least once a day, even to just tell her she looked beautiful, knowing that it was through these phone calls that they both fell for each other and he never wanted to let that go.

It's ten years later, and Ryder is still crazy about his Sunshine. He still feels that same warm feeling within him every time he looks at her.

Sia falls in love with Ryder more and more everyday.

Although she complains about his little calls, she secretly loves them, as they remind her of when they were just strangers on the phone, slowly falling in love with each other.

Ten years have passed, they were now married, husband and wife, but they are still those same kids in love.

He was her McClane and she will forever be his Sunshine...

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