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Sunshine | McClane

"Ugh Hello?"




"What the hell Sunshine! You can't just call me sounding all sad, and then go radio silent. You know how many messages and calls I sent you!? I probably haven't even called or texted my mates or my girlfriend that much in the past few days!"

"I know, I'm sorry"

"Don't be sorry, just, don't do that again."

"I won't"

"So can I ask why?"


"Why did you go radio silent?"

"Oh, I just wanted a break from everything and everyone. Sorry for worrying you."

"Okay then. So, uh, how did your date go?"

"It didn't."


"It was bad. Can we please not talk about it? Ever?"

"That sucks Sunshine. He's a drick, a big drick. Want me to beat him up?"

"I just want to forget about it and move on."

"You know I will. I got the muscles baby, if only you could see."

"And suddenly I'm glad, we only speak on the phone"

"You wound me"

"If only it would effect your ego"

"No can do, Sunshine. You'll see one day"

"We'll see.."

[Call Ends]

"I hope so"

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