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Third Person POV

After Ryder's friend, Flynn, called her, Sia's been in a panic. 'What happened to him?' 'How could he get hurt?' 'Was this because of me?' A million questions such as these were swirling in her head, awaiting an answer that she couldn't seem to provide.

She just held on to the silent prayer, her heart was chanting... 'I hope he's okay'.

After hanging up on Flynn, immediately, Sia called Hannah. After managing to get out some jumbled words of Ryder being hurt and in hospital, Hannah told Sia that she would be there in a second, so both of them could go.


The drive to the hospital was panic-stricken. It was pouring down with rain and Hannah was bombarding Sia with questions about Ryder, but again, she had no answers. She just looked out the window, at the onslaught of rain and  prayed in silence that he would be okay. The shock of what was happening, kept her from shedding any tears. Sia didn't even want to cry. Crying meant something bad had happened, and she refused even an ounce of negative thoughts to cloud her mind. She had to hold on to hope.

Soon as the girls got to the hospital, they ran towards the reception desk, as if it were some sort of finishing line, and they would receive a gold medal. Not caring they were drenches from head to toe.

"Hi, hello, excuse me" Sia said, her voice frantic with worry.

The receptionist looks up and sees two girls in front of her, who seemed like they had just taken a dip in a pool, fully clothed, before coming here.

She just knew, they were causing a puddle in front of her desk. In an unimpressed voice she replies with "Yes?"

As soon as the last syllable of the receptionists' reply comes out, Sia spoke up, "I'm looking for Ryder Daniels, he was brought in here, I don't know when but.." She began to ramble.

The receptions quirks a brow at the soaked girl in front of her. She knew very well, which room Ryder Daniels was in.

Not wanting to hear more of the girl's ramble, she replies in a monotone voice, "Room 204," and goes back to what she was doing.

"Thank you," Sia breathed out, before her and Hannah, rush to find the room.

"204, 204, I don't see a 204," Hannah says frustrated. They hadn't asked for directions to room, and now were looking for it in a frenzy. Tired of getting nowhere in their search,

Hannah turned to Sia. "You go that way," pointing at one end of the corridor, "-and I'll look this way," she pointed to the other end.

Sia sprints off down the corridor, searching for 204. She felt so stupid for not asking directions for the room.

'Ryder could be hurt or in pain, and instead of being with him, she was stuck looking for the damn room' she thought to herself.

Before she could scold herself some more, she finally spotted the number that gave her heart some relief.

"Found it, 204!" She exclaimed, partly for Hannah to hear, and also out of happiness, that she had finally found the room.

Rushing into the room, without knocking she just shouted. "Ryder!?"

However what she found on the other side of the door was completely different than what she had expected.

Ryder was in the room, however, there was no sign of him being hurt. Not even a scratch. He was sitting up on the bed, dressed in his own clothed, with his friends in the seats beside him.

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