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Third Person POV

Finding Sia crying out in the rain, Hannah felt bad for her friend. The car ride back home was silent, too silent. The only noise being made inside, was the occasional sniffle Sia would let out. Her head was turned away, but Hannah knew she was crying, it was too obvious.

After watching everything that happened, Hannah was certain she knew what she had to do for her friend. She had a plan and was determined.

All she needed was a little help....


"Hannah, why are we rushing to lunch?" Sia whines to her friend, as she is being tugged towards the cafeteria against her will.

Since the day at the Hospital, Sia hasn't heard anything from Ryder. She knew she was the one who told him to stay away, but she couldn't help but feel a slight tug in her chest that she was no longer going to be able to have those phone calls with him.

Sia knew herself that she undoubtably fell in love with Ryder through their phone calls, and she was still in love with him. But she couldn't help but think, did he still feel the same about her now that he knew who she was? Did he still feel the same as he felt, when he left her that voicemail? She knew she didn't really give him much of a chance to speak a the hospital, but if she had, would he tell her, he loved her too?

As all these questions begin to pile up and weigh on her heart and mind.

"Because I'm hungry, and you have the speed of a snail," Hannah replied, snapping Sia out of her thoughts.

Just before they can both enter the cafeteria, Hannah abruptly stops, causing Sia to bump into her.

"Ow, Hannah" Sia winced. "Why are we stopping? I thought you were hungry?" She questioned.

Instead of replying to Sia's questions, Hannah simply turns around to face her.

"I'm sorry, Sia, hope you don't hate me for this." Hannah apologised, before opening the door for Sia to enter.

Sia just gives her friend a weird looks, not understanding what on earth she was on about, and why she would be apologising. As she enters, her eyes widen, understanding why Hannah was sorry.

In the middle of the cafeteria, stood Ryder Daniels, in all his glory, on one of the cafeteria tables, holding a microphone in his hand. In that moment, all Sia could see was him.

Rather than turn to Hannah and question what was going on, Sia walked towards Ryder, as if in a trance.

As she took her first step, Flynn came into her vision, handing her a bouquet containing Yellow Tulips. As she took it from his hand, he offers her a smile and backed away.

Sia once again continues to walk towards Ryder, and this time Brandon, began laying yellow rose petals as Sia takes her steps.

When she looked at him, he offers her a wink and she thinks to herself, this is probably the 'Hans Gruber' guy from last time.

In the same moment, Sia began walking towards him, Ryder began to serenade her...

The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping,

I dreamed I held you in my arms,

But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken,

And I hung my head and I cried,

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,

You make me happy when skies are grey,

You'll never know, dear, how much I love you,

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