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"I've fallen for you. That's what I wanted to say before. I don't know if you'll believe or even you want to, but it's true. I know this, because what I feel for you is so much more than what I ever felt for my ex. With you, I can be me, and with you I can both lose myself and find myself. Hearing your voice, fills me with a surge of happiness. I feel like the damn energiser bunny, hearing your voice. Like I can sprint up Everest or swim a damn ocean, Not hearing your voice is driving me crazy, enough that I'm on the verge of ripping my hair out, enough that I feel like I want to give your number to this dodgy tech guy that lives on my street hoping he can track where you live from it, enough that I can't sleep, eat or even think straight. Please, talk to me. Please, please don't take my sunshine away..."

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