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Sia | McClane

"Evening, Sunshine"

"Hi, McClane"

"How was your day?"

"Look at you, actually starting a conversation the normal way"

"I thought I'd try it. So, how was your day?"

"It was good, well except for Voldemort"


"Nothing, just this guy at my school that I really don't like, so rather than say his name, I prefer calling him Voldemort"


"Stop laughing. I'm really mad"


"McClane, stop. You're making me laugh, and I want to be mad"

"Okay, okay"

"Thank you"

"What did he do to make you so mad?"

"Just be him. From the moment we met, I didn't like him, he's a jerk"

"What did he do?"

"I'd rather not relive the memory"

"Okay well, he's clearly a drick for hurting you."

"A big drick. Anyways how's you?"

"I'm good, getting ready for my date"

"And you called me.."

"Just thought I could use some company of your voice, while I get ready"

"Fair enough, have fun on your date"

"Thanks. Bye"

[Ends Call]


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