Storms (Modern AU)

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1.31.19(AKA Romeo Socks Day 2K19) i know almost everyone oneshot book has a part about one person being sister spooked by storms but its fucking cute okay give me a break its like 1 am and insomnia is m e a n.  I will update tommorow, im sorry how bad this is :(

TW: Storms, abuse (brief mention of abuse)


   Jack sped home from work.  The rain became more hard, thundering booming every few minutes.  He knew Crutchie hated storms, he found out 2 years ago, when they first started to date.  Jack knew Crutchie had terrible memories of stormy days and her hated storms.  At a red light, he quickly pulled out his phone and texted Crutchie.

'Hey honey, I'm almost home, don't worry, you're okay, i love you so much.'  Jack quickly texted Crutchie.

   The text popped up on Crutchie phone screen, scaring the shaking boy.  'Please hurry.' Crutchie texted back, just as there was another boom of thunder, making him jump.  Crutchie had been scared of storms for so long.  The day his parents kicked him out, was miserable.  His parents were abusing him all day, and once it started to storm, they threw him out, yelling how terrible he was and how he will never be apart of their family.  He lived with Jack ever since then, and Jack is the only one who knows about why he hates storms (Davey and Katherine kind of know, but they don't know the backstory.)  He felt warm tears run down his face.  He was shaking so much.  He burried his head into his hands, which were covered by Jack's sweatshit.  He was curled into a ball on the bed, shaking non stop.

   After what felt like hours, he heard the doorknob to their apartment jiggle.  He sighed, realived Jack was home, but jumping straight after due to another boom of lightning.   The door to the their bedroom was opened, Jack stepping in and heading straight to the shaking boy curled into a ball on their bed.

"Baby, it's okay" Jack cooed, sitting on the bed and pulling Crutchie into his lap and into a hug.  

   Crutchie hugged back tightly, shaking like there was no tommorow.  He cried into Jack's chest, holding a death grip on Jack's shirt.  Jack hugged the boy in his lap, rubbing circles on Crutchie's back, saying sweet things like "He can't hurt you" or "Jackie's here, you will be okay".

   "I'm sorry." Crutchie mummbled, his head still burried in Jack's chest.  

   "About?  You have nothing to be sorry for, baby." Jack cooed, putting his hand under the small boys chin and pushing it up lightly.  "As long as I'm here, your parents will not lay a finger on you, okay?  I promise.  You are better than them, they won't hurt you anymore." Jack said, kissing Crutchie's hair.  Crutchie blushed slightly, shaking a little less.

   Jack kept saying sweet things to Crutchie all night, until he was possitive Crutchie was asleep.  He looked adorable when he slept; his sandy, curly hair covering his forehead and becoming a mess.  Crutchie look so calm when he slept.  Tear marks stained his slightly rosey cheeks.  He nuzzled his head into Jack's chest.  Jack kissed his head.

   "I love you, baby." Jack said softly, laying down slowly so he wouldn't wake the boy on his chest, and falling asleep once his head hit the pillow.


Like I said, it's 1am (yes, i have insomnia, it honestly sucks so much), I have to be up by 6am, I still have homework, and I have no Capri Sun or Gushers (Yes, I am a actual 5 year old and I live off juice and gummys, be quiet.) so i'm sorry how short this story is, and how bad it is.  if you have ideas please tell me..;

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