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this !! chapter !! was !! bad !! and !! im !! sorry !!


The strike. It ended. They won.

The New York Newsies won the strike.

The newsboys were happy.  Overjoyed. Grateful.  Everything felt right.

Except for Jack Kelly.

The famous Jack Kelly, a man looked up to by younger newsies, was falling apart by the seams.  As the others were celebrating winning the strike, Jack plastered a fake smile and laugh.  Something was missing.


His (secret) boyfriend. Taken away during the strike, ultimately breaking Jack into two.  It felt like a chunk of his soul was taken away from him.  Everything went downhill.  Nothing felt right anymore.  But he kept fighting.  Fighting to win the strike to see him again.

Jack was tuning out the world.  He missed his best friend. Nothing felt right. Everything was wrong. He needed HIM.  He had to have him. He shouldnt go on without him. He couldnt, he cant, he needs him, he cant be-


A newsboy called him out of his thoughts.  He turned to face the voice of Race, one of his closest friends.

"Jack, look who showed up!" Race hollered at him, a smile spread widely across his face.  He pointed towards the back of the crowd of happy newsboys.  Jack looked past the newsies, and saw a small, sandy-hair colored boy.

He couldnt believe it.  It was him. He couldnt believe his boy was back.

His boy.


He pushed his way through the crowd until he was there. In front of him. His boy. He held back tears as he made his was in front of the boy, who had his eyes glued to the floor.

He slowly knelt down. So he saw him. His boy. 

"Hey, its been a while." Jack slowly said to the boy. His boy.

Crutchie looked up. Looked at Jack. He slowly smiled, tears coming to his eyes.

"Oh my god." Crutchie said, wrapping the taller boy into a tight hug. Jack hugged back, taking him in.  His boy was back. His boy.

Crutchie buried his head into Jacks shoulder.  His missed this. He missed him. This felt right. everything felt complete. Everything was better. 


Later that night, after all the newsies had been put to bed, happy about winning the strike, Jack and Crutchie made their way to the rooftop.  

The rooftop was their getaway from everything. Somewhere where it was just them, no one else.  They had bundled their old and worn blankets and pillows together for their bed. Where they had each other.  Always.

They laid under the stars. Jack held Crutchie in his lap, playing with his hair. Crutchie wrapped his arms around Jacks waist. They missed this. They needed this.  

"I missed you. So much." Jack said, cutting the silence that filled the air. 

"I cant believe I get to have you again." Crutchie said, resting his head on Jacks chest. Jacks heartbeat calmed him. Helped him sleep. Soon, he felt himself slipping into a deep sleep.

Jack looked down at the boy in his lap.  Crutchies hair was messy and knotted. His chest went up and down. He shivered slightly when he breathed out. Jack slowly grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around the boy.  Everything felt so right. Complete. Jack smiled and slowly fell asleep, feeling complete.


Crutchie woke with a start. He sat up slowly, making his way off of Jacks lap and resting on the floor. He was shaking. He couldnt breathe. His breaths were sharp and thin. He let out a loose sob, curling in on himself. He tried to take control of his breathing. He couldnt. It hurt. He let out a loud sob, crying harshly.

Jack woke up tiredly.  He didnt see Crutchie on his lap, a wave a panic rushing through him.  He looked around the dark space. He heard a sob, and turned to face the figure that was letting out the noises.  

He realized it was his boy. Crutchie. That made him panic more and more.  

"Baby?" Jack asked, wrapping his arms around the boy.

"G-go back to s-s-sleep Jacky..." The boy said.

"No. Whats wrong baby." Jack said softly, holding the boy close.

"The Refuge.. Everything they did.. They didnt care... No one did.." Crutchie said, letting out a sob.  That broke Jacks heart.

"Its okay baby, Jackys here. They wont get you. I will always be here for you, they wont reach you again. I promise. Breathe, its okay. Deep breaths. I love you so much." Jack cooed, rubbing his back and playing with his hear. He found that calmed him down.

Once Crutchie could breathe well again, he looked up at Jack, his big, brown eyes shimmering in the moonlight.

"Promise?" He asked, his voice shaky.

"Promise." Jack replied, kissing the boys head soothingly.

They fell back asleep after Jack was 100% sure Crutchie was doing better.  Jack held Crutchie in his arms protectively, happy that he was back.

His boy was back


hey lmao this chapter was bad as fuck and im so sorry lmao :(

i dont know what else to write about *sad yeehaw*

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