I love you

766 15 4

2.3.19: wow this IS NOT a modern au.  Im sorry how short this is.

TW: none!


  Jack and Crutchie sat on the rooftop, talking about the customers they had that day.  The sun was setting, painting the sky with color.  Crutchie was talking about some of the kids he saw today, but Jack wasn't paying attention.  He was looking at the boy.  He had a big crush on Crutchie, and he was admiring all his features.  After a few moments, Crutchie seemed to notice Jack staring at him.

  "Youse okay Jack?" Crutchie joked, waving a hang in front of Jack's eyes.

  Now or never, Jack thought, sighing.

  "I mean.  Not really." Jack blushed slightly, a worried expression spreading across Crutchies face.

  "Whats wrong?  You can tell me anything, youse know that." Crutchie said.

  "Promise me we will remain friends." Jack asked softly.

  "What?  Of course wes still gonna be friends!" Crutchie replied, smiling.

  "Okay.  Listen, I know you may not feel the same, but I have to get this off my chest.  I like you.  Like, really like you.  I know it makes me queer, but ise dont care!  I love you, Crutch." Jack said, blushing.  Crutchie stared at him.

  "I knew it.  I should have stayed quite." Jack said quitely.  He looked down, before feeling lips pushed on his own.

  Crutchie was kissing him.  His crush was kissing him.  

  Jack kissed back softly.  It wasnt a hungry kiss, it was a gental one, a soft one.

  They pulled apart for air after a minute.  

  "So... Youse like me?" Jack asked, smiling.

  "Of course Ise like you.  Who wouldn't?" Crutchie smiled.

  Jack hugged him, Crutchie burrying his head into Jacks neck.  After a few minutes, He felt Crutchie go to sleep.  He smiled warmly, laying down as slowly as he could.  He soon fell asleep, smiling like a idiot.


please give me oneshot ideas, i need some

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