oh boy (Modern AU)

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2.3.19: oh boy, i'm sorry for no update yesterday.  I went to the mall with my friends and one of my friends stayed the night.  also im really sorry if this is short, im having a really bad night and everythings going bad.   Also im sorry for these all being modern AUs.

TW: Suicide (this was really hard for me to write about and im so sorry)


  Jack came home from work, smiling.  It was a good day today, and he was happy to get to see Crutchie, his boyfriend.  Jack got off early, so he decided to spend the rest of the day with Crutchie.  He got in his care and drove home, humming along to whatever the radio was playing.

  He parked his car and made his way up to his apartment.  He unlocked the door and stepped in, slipping off his shoes.  He looked around.  All the lights were off, it was silent, which wasn't normal in their apartment.

  He made his way silently through their apartment, and stopped in front of their bathroom.  Inside, there was muted sobs.  Jack became worried.  He tried to open the door, but it was locked.  He became more scared.

  "Crutchie?" Jack asked softly, knocking on the door.

  "Go away..." Crutchie said quietly.

  "Crutchie, please open the door." Jack said, trying the knob again.

  "Jack, please just go away.." Crutchie said.  He knew what he was saying was useless, Jack would get in the bathroom somehow.  He could feel it, but he didnt do anything to stop it.

  Jack sighed, and walked into their room.  He rummaged around quickly, finding a paper clip.  He bent it to make it straight, walking back to the front of the bathroom door.  He slipped the paperclip into the lock, moving it until he heard the door unlock.  He gently pushed open the door.

  He looked on the floor where Crutchie was sitting.  His arms were wrapped around his knees, his head burried into his knees.  There was a knife laying next to him.  His arms had cuts running up them, most of them still bleeding.

  "Crutchie.." Jack said, sitting next to the boy and pulling him onto his lap.  Crutchie immediately wrapped his arms around Jack's chest, burrying his head into the crook of Jack's neck.  

  "I'm so sorry Jack,.." Crutchie said quietly, crying into Jack's neck.

  Jack calmed him down a bit, and then stood up carefully, walking to their room and setting Crutchie onto their bed.

  "Stay here, don't do anything." Jack said softly.  Crutchie nodded, a bit worried.  

  Jack walked out of their room and into the kitchen, grabbing a plastic bowl and filling it with cool water.  He grabbed the first aid kit, and a cloth, and carefully made his way back into their room, sitting next to Crutchie on their bed and setting the cloth, water, and first aid kit on the bed side table.  He carefully tured the boy towards him.  He felt Crutchie shaking.

  He grabbed the cloth and dipped it into the water, wrinning it out.

  "This might hurt a big, I'm sorry honey." Jack said softly, taking one of Crutchie's hands into his own.  He placed the cloth onto Crutchies left arm, which was littered with cuts.  Crutchie squeezed Jack's hand tightly, wincing at the pain.  ((Authors note: does water hurt anyone else when they have a cut??  it hurts me a lot and i hate it))

"I'm sorry baby." Jack cooed, cleaning Crutchies arm as Crutchie squeezed Jack's hand tightly. He cleaned Crutchies right arm, by the end Crutchie had left nail marks on Jack's hand. Once Jack finished cleaning the cuts, he set the cloth down on the table and grabbed the first aid kit, pulling the bandages out.

 Jack wrapped Crutchie's arms up with bandages, taping them in place.  As soon as he finnished, he pulled Crutchie into a tight hug.

  "Please promise me I won't see those cuts again." Jack said softly.  He recieved a slight nod in responce.   Jack looked at Crutchie, kissing his cheek.  

  "I'm so sorry, Jack" Crutchie said, looking down.

  "It's okay baby.  Just please call me instead, I will leave work anyday to make sure you're happy." Jack cooed, making Crutchie smiled.  Jack's heart melted at the sight of his smile.

  "I love you, Jackie." Crutchie smiled, kissing Jacks noes.

  "I love you too." Jack smiled back.


this chapter is really bad and i'm sorry

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