My Santa Fe (Modern AU)

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i went to the fair today and i cant feel my legs. enojy :,)


Jack slowly slipped his arms out of his small boyfriend grasp.  He looked across the room to the clock.

"2:54 AM." He groaned to himself.

Jack slowly got up, making sure not to wake Crutchie up. He silently made his way out of the window and onto the roof of their apartment.  This was their safe space, somewhere that they could get away from it all. No jobs, no problems to worry about, no bills to pays, nothing. Just them.  Jack sat on the edge of the roof behind the rails. He slipped his legs through the bars and rested his chin on the cold, metal bars. The slight breeze felt nice. 

The streets bellow had taxi cars littered everywhere. The streets of New York were always busy, a loud noise was common.  Jack started letting his thoughts run, the busy New York streets tuning out the rest of the world.

Until he heard the noise of footsteps.

They were silent and uneven.  There was a footstep sound every few moments, like there was only one leg. It caught Jacks attention, making him turn around to face the person.  It was a small boy, his eyes were droopy and filed with tiredness. Jack recognized the boy almost admittedly.

"Crutchie?  Why are you up this late?" Jack asked, walking towards the boy until he was face to face. He bent down, placing his hand onto the small boys face.

Crutchie gave him a small smile.  "Because you weren't next to me." The boy said, giving a small laugh. "You should really come back to bed baby." Crutchie said, taking Jacks hand into his own.

Jack gave him a weak smile, seeing the trace of tiredness in his voice. It had been a few weeks of late nights for the small boy. Crutchie had been rushing to finish papers for his college classes. He had gotten a total of 8 hours, at most, and jack had FINALLY convinced him to get some rest.

Jack had stood back up, scooping up the boy. Crutchie smiled, burying his face into the crook of Jacks neck. Jack carefully made his way back into their apartment, making his way to their bed. He set the boy down on their bed, and then sat himself down.

Crutchie lazily climbed on top of Jack, curling up on his chest, burying his head into the crook of Jacks neck.  Jack smiled, kissing the top of Crutchies head. After a few moments, Jack heard silent snores coming from the boy.  

"Ya know Crutch, youre my Santa Fe." Jack said, kissing the boys head.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2019 ⏰

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