Fights (Modern AU)

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2.1.19// im so sorry about how rushed this is, i was in the middle of making plans with my friends and my phone died, and i have to wake up early in the morning, so im sorry.

TW: Argument (its more of like.,, someone yelling at someone else.  don't worry, it ends happy)


   Crutchie couldn't take it.  

   He was late.  Again.

  Crutchie was curled on the couch, bunndled in a blanket.  He couldn't take it.  Jack would never come home from work on time.  Jack never told him why he wasn't coming home on time, and Crutchie ignored it.  He put the TV on, waiting for Jack to come home.  He started to fall asleep, and not long he was awoken by the door knob start to jiggle.  He looked out of the corner of his eye as Jack walked in.  He felt tears come to his eyes.

  "Hey Crutch!  Sorry I'm late!" Jack said, walking into the room Crutchie was in, sitting next to him and pulling him into a hug.

  "Okay." Crutchie replied blankly, pulling away from the now confused Jack.

  "Is everything okay?" Jack asked.

  "You tell me." Crutchie replied coldly.

  "What?  Did I do something wrong?  Are you mad at me?" Jack asked worried.

Crutchie looked down.  

  "What did I do?" Jack asked softly.  Crutchie looked up at him, and he broke.

  "What did you do?  You tell me!  You don't say where you are after work and you tell me not to worry, but I am worried!  I don't know what you're doing after work, I don't know if you're hooking up with other people or what, but it hurts!" Crutchie said, raising his voice a bit.  Jack looked shocked, but Crutchie wasn't done.

  "And then what did you do last week?  You missed our anniversary!  Our anniversary, Jack!  You sounded so happy about it a few weeks ago, saying you had something planned, and what happened?  You never showed up!  You never said anything about our anniversary for days after that, and you didn't care." Crutchie yelled.  He felt tears coming down his face.

  "You never cared, did you?" Crutchie asked softly, not allowing room for Jack to reply.  He went to their bedroom and locked the door, slumping against the door and crying softly into his knees.  He heard Jack outside the door.  He could tell he was crying.  He heard Jack leave the apartment, which made Crutchie cry even more.

  After a few hours of crying, he heard the door the their apartment open.  Crutchie slowly stood up, unlocking the door and stepping out into the hallway.  He saw Jack standing there.  Tears marks were sticking to his face.  

  "Crutchie, I'm-" Jack said, getting cut off by the sound of a crutch hitting the floor and getting pulled into a tight hug by Crutchie.

  "I'm so sorry Jack." Crutchie repeated, burrying his head into Jack's neck and crying softly.  Jack sat on the floor, Crutchie wrapping his legs around his stomach and his arms around his chest, crying softly.

  After a while, Crutchie stopped crying.  

 "Crutchie, I'm so sorry.  I should have told you why I was staying at work so late.  I didn't because I didn't want to ruin the suprise." Jack told Crutchie.   Crutchie looked at Jack, confused.  He picked up the boy and walked into their room, sitting him down on the bed. 

  "Close your eyes." Jack told him.  He closed his eyes, a bit nervous.

  "Now open." Jack said after a moment.  Crutchie opened his eyes.  He almost passed out.

  Jack was down on one knee.  

  Jack held Crutchies hands.  "I know this isnt the best place to do this, but I can't wait any longer.  I love you so much, Crutch.  I'm so lucky to have you in my life.  I'm so lucky I get to wake up every day and see your adorable face, and I'm so grateful I was able to spend these past few years with you as your boyfriend.  I'm so lucky to be able to date you, you're so cute and and you have a amazing personality that makes you so amazing, and I know you don't like your body, but its adorable.  Nobody is perfect, but youre imperfections make you, you.  I can't stand just 'dating' you, I want to be more than your boyfriend.  I love you so much.  Charlie Morris, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Jack asked, pulling out a small box with a ring in it.  He sounded so nervous.  He looked up at Crutchie with hopefully.  Crutchie had a goofy smile plastered on his face, tears running down his face. 

  "Of course Jack." Crutchie smiled.

  Jack was so happy.  He slipped the ring on Crutchies finger, then picked him up and kissed him.  Crutchies hands cupped the sides of Jack's face, kissing back.  It wasnt really a smile, it was more of two smiles pushed up against each other, but they didn't care.

  They were happy.


Again, i'm sorry how rushed this might be.

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