Chapter 17

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Alice watched in horror as Susie grabbed Boris and pulled him away and out of sight. She wanted to cry out his name, even come out of her hiding spot and chase after Susie to try to stop her from taking away Boris. But she knew that wasn't the wisest choice, given their situation.

Aiden, Lukas, and Kate were all still passed out from the crash, and Bendy got taken by the Ink Demon. Boris wanted Alice to hide, because someone had to be there for the humans. Someone has to free them from the wreckage of the elevator, and let them know what happened while they were unconscious.

Once silence was what kept her company once more, Alice climbed out of her hiding spot. She rushed back over to the elevator's remains and tried to lift it up so she could free Aiden, Lukas, and Kate. As she tried her best to get her friends freed, the angel began to tear up.

"Guys! Please wake up! I can't be alone! I need your help! Please!" she sobbed.

Aiden stirred a bit, but Lukas and Kate were still unconscious and didn't move. Alice didn't see them move. She was more focused on trying to free them, but the wreckage was too heavy for her to lift up. But even so, she didn't want to give up.

Alice groaned as she tried to lift up the wreckage to no avail. Suddenly, she heard someone running up to her. She closed her eyes, expecting them to grab her, as she refused to leave her friends trapped.

But to her shock, the person didn't grab her. Instead, they came up next to her, and started to help her lift up the wreckage. Alice opened her eyes, and she gasped to see that Knuckles was helping her.

"Henry! Help us!" Knuckles groaned.

Henry rushed over. He helped them lift up the wreckage. Maya and F. Jesse grabbed Aiden and Lukas and pulled them out, followed by Kate. Once all three were freed from the wreckage, Knuckles, Alice, and Henry let go of the weight and dropped it. They rushed over to their friends.

"Aiden?!" said Maya.

Aiden groaned and moved. He was finally starting to regain his vision, as he slowly opened his eyes.

"M-Maya?" he said.

Maya pulled him into a hug, sobbing as she did.

"You're alive! Oh thank notch you're alive! I was worried I wouldn't see you again when you fell!" she sobbed.

Aiden returned the hug. As he had regained consciousness, the glowing light in his chest faded.

"Lukas?" F. Jesse said, as she stared at her unconscious husband.

Knuckles put a hand on her shoulder, catching her attention. He pointed to the glowing light in Lukas's chest.

"He's alive. Just unconscious. Kate used her powers to protect them from the crash. That's why they aren't injured," he said.

As if on que, Lukas finally began to move. Everyone except F. Jesse moved away from him to give him some air and space, letting the blonde wake up. It felt like forever, but Lukas finally woke up. As he did, the glowing light faded from his chest.

F. Jesse pulled Lukas into a hug, which he returned almost immediately.

"I'm okay, Jesse... I'm okay..." he whispered to her.

F. Jesse smiled sadly, tearing up.

The group suddenly heard someone gasp. Kate had finally woken up, and compared to the guys, she woke up almost instantly. She breathed heavily for a few seconds, then let out a sigh of relief.

"Kate, you didn't have to protect us with your powers..." said Aiden, as he broke from his hug with Maya.

"I had to. I couldn't let anyone die. We would've died from that crash," she said.

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