Chapter 25

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Kate ran down the hallways of the room below the true Ink Machine. She heard Lukas and Aiden running away, pulling Bendy with them. She knew that Bendy was worried about her and didn't want to leave her behind. Lukas and Aiden didn't want to leave her behind.

She knew they were going to go back to the others and all come back. She knew they wouldn't leave her behind. So as she led the Ink Demon away from where her friends where, Kate smiled sadly. She just continued to run as she could hear the Ink Demon chase her.

Kate ran into a more open room. She saw some glass tubes with running ink inside them in the middle of the room, and there were some more screens playing more of the cartoons on the walls. Before Kate could try to cut around a corner and run into some more hallways, she felt something smack her from behind. It sent her flying into the wall, which she hit hard.

Kate slouched a bit on the wall. The Ink Demon had caught up to her and was ready to try to capture her.

'Chaos, he's fast!' she thought.

Kate got up. The Ink Demon charged at her. She jumped out of the way before he could grab her. But instead of running into the wall, the Ink Demon phased right into it, disappearing again.

Kate quickly ran to the center of the room. She had the pipe from before in hand, so she held it with her as a weapon. She felt nervous as she waited for the Ink Demon to come for her.

'I knew that I should've brought my sword from the start... I've been fine until now...' she thought.

She heard something running towards her. Kate tried to jump out of the way, but the Ink Demon grabbed her. Kate didn't shriek. Instead, she tried to smack the Ink Demon's arm with her pipe.

The Ink Demon chuckled, showing that he wasn't intimidated and felt no pain from Kate's attacks.

"That was just a warm up!" Kate growled.

The Ink Demon brought her closer to his face. As she was close enough, Kate swung the pipe, hitting the Ink Demon across the face. The Ink Demon felt pain, and he let go of Kate. However, he ended up throwing her again. She hit one of the glass tubes.

The Ink Demon charged at her. He ended up hitting the pipe, shattering it. He let out horrible shrieking noises and backed away, but Kate ended up getting sprayed in a lot of ink. She did her best to get up, but it was difficult with all the ink on the floor.

She managed to get away from the ink puddle and tried to run away. The Ink Demon got back to his feet and chased her again. In just seconds, he grabbed her again. This time, he grabbed the pipe from her hand and tossed it aside.

Kate growled. She did her best to do a spin dash. It was difficult, with her being stuck in the Ink Demon's grasp, but she manage to slip out of his fingers and hit him in the face. She jumped back before he could hit her again. As she landed on the floor, Kate slipped a bit on ink, making her hit her chin on the floor. She groaned as she felt the pain.

The Ink Demon came up to her again. He clenched his fist, and slammed his hand down on Kate before she could get back up on her feet. Kate let out a cry of pain. The Ink Demon laughed and picked her up again. He threw her to the wall again.

Kate slid down the wall. She felt pain all of her back and her body as she did. She groaned when she hit the floor. The Ink Demon approached her slowly.

"Did you really think you could take him on?" a voice called out to her.

Joey came out from the shadows. He was on his wheelchair, and he gave Kate a menacing smile as he came forward.

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