Chapter 21

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Aiden shrieked and almost immediately hid behind Knuckles, who was standing his ground. The last time he ran into Sammy Lawrence, the former music director had kidnapped Aiden and tried to use him as a human sacrifice for the Ink Demon. Aiden tried to talk Sammy out of it, but Sammy was clearly too far gone because he wouldn't listen.

And now, Sammy was back. Lukas and Kate frowned as they saw him come out.

"You again!" Lukas shouted angrily.

The others, except for Boris and Alice, were confused and shocked. The two toons yelped in panic as they saw that Sammy was here.

Sammy ignored Lukas and had his eyes on Aiden, who was still hiding behind Knuckles.

"I trusted you! I gave you everything... and you left me to rot! Why?! WHY?!" he angrily yelled.

"You tried to use me as a human sacrifice!" Aiden spat back.

Sammy suddenly charged at him and Knuckles. Aiden quickly ran away, since Sammy was after him. Knuckles didn't have a weapon, but he did have the upper body strength. Sammy tried to swing his axe at the echidna, but Knuckles grabbed his arm and prevented him from attacking.

"Whoa! Calm down!" he angrily shouted at Sammy.

The two struggled for a bit. Neither was able to get the upper hand on the other. Lukas and Kate came running forward, with weapons in their hands.

"We've had enough of you Sammy!" Kate shouted.

Henry formed a shocked look. He stayed frozen where he was and whispered, "S-Sammy?"

No one heard the former animator speak to himself. Instead, they kept their focus on Sammy. Lukas and Kate pulled him away from Knuckles. They tried to grab Sammy's axe, but the former music director swung his axe. He just barely missed Lukas and Kate.

"Whoa! Jeez!" cried Lukas.

Lukas and Kate jumped back, avoiding the attack. Sammy tried to attack them again, but Maya and F. Jesse drew out their swords. The girls screamed angrily and charged at Sammy. They both swung their swords and knocked him back, hurting Sammy a bit.

"Get back!" shouted Maya.

Sammy growled angrily. He tried to attack them now, but he missed again.

"The sheep will be slaughtered!" he shouted angrily.

"He's not a sheep! He's my husband!" Maya screamed at Sammy.

She swung her sword at Sammy once more. Sammy tried to block her attack with his axe. The two struggled, but before either one of them could hurt the other. Boris and Alice suddenly came running over. They pulled Sammy away.

"Let go!" Sammy shouted.

The three struggled, and in the midst of the struggle, Sammy lost his Bendy mask. He started to act spastic and squirmed in Boris and Alice's grasp.

"No! Don't look at me! Stay away!" he cried.

He got out of their grip, but instead of running away, Sammy got down to his knees and covered his face with his hands. That confused everyone, but they took this chance to back away before Sammy could attack them again.

"What the hell?" muttered Knuckles.

"I said don't look at me!" Sammy shouted, not looking up at them.

"Sammy!" shouted Henry.

He started to approach Sammy slowly, cautiously like he was approaching a startled animal.

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