toxic situation

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───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

WE FINALLY MADE IT OUT OF THE SEWERS AND DISCOVERED A NEW ROOM. It was bland, with little vents on the upper wall. There was an iron door on the other side that was locked. I winced as I looked at my once black combat boots. At least they were high tops, so I didn't get much on my legs. I looked over to Iida to see him welcome the fresher air.

"Well that was interesting." I say with a chuckle. He glances at me and gives a blank look. Suddenly, the room flashes red. I look up to see a red light quickly turning. A robotic voice spoke.

"Chemicals entering in 3 seconds." My eyes widened as I glanced at Iida.

"2 seconds." I pushed myself from the wall and run off to him. He pointed over to the door.

"1 second." We ran to the door, only to find that it had a bulky padlock.

"Chemicals entering." We both looked up at the small vents to see a sickly green gas pour from it. I turned to Iida.

"Your helmet can't act as a gas mask, can it?" I ask, my mind lingering to the sewage. He shakes his head. I unclip my mask from my face and hand it to him. "Put it on, we can take turns." I say quickly. He looks hesitant but complies.

He takes off his helmet and switches it with the gas mask in my hands. I couldn't help but stare. He had dark blue hair with dark blue eyes, and a jawline that could cut my finger. He also wore glasses.

'He was keeping that under a mask? Holy shit.'

He puts in on and breathes. I blink back to reality and summon a blade from the underside of my arm. I swiftly cut the lock and threw the lock to the floor. It made a loud clang as it hit the concrete floor. I cough as I fumble with the handle. I finally get the latch open and kick the door open. I run out with Iida hot on my trail.

I coughed violently as Iida closed the door. I gave a smile as he hurried back to me. He thrusts the mask back to me.

"That was idiotic! You could've died from the toxic gas!" I gave a chuckle as I slid down the wall of the dark corridor.

"It was inevitable that one of us would be like this, better me then you Iida." I shrug. He sighs as he leans down and picks me up bridal style. I feel my cheeks flush as he starts to walk down the dark corridor. "W-What are you do doing?" I ask timidly.

He shrugs. "You need to rest. I'm just taking you away from that room so you can do so." I bite my lip as I nod.

He sets me down against a wall. We were far enough from the room, so we could rest. I slid down the wall and huffed as I brought my knees up. I crossed my arms as I started to feel tired. I sighed as I put my head against my knees and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

I woke up, feeling... warm? I opened my eyes to see darkness. I felt something wrapped around my waist. I let out a small yawn as I leaned my head back on the wall.

"Oh. You're awake." I flinch and turn to see Iida staring at me. He was sitting next to me.

"Yeah. How long was I out for?" I ask.

"Not long. Over half an hour now." He replies. I nod as I move my hand to the warmth on my other side. I feel him flinch besides me. I'm guessing he had his arm wrapped around me because he retracted it, taking the warmth with him.

"Thanks for not leaving me." I say, stretching my arms out. He stood and held out a hand. I took it and stood, my back mostly numb. I could barely see him in the darkness.

"Of course, I would never leave you." He replies. "And... thank you for saving me earlier." He says quietly, bringing his hand to his neck. I smile as I nod.

"Anytime." I turn to gaze into the dark corridor. "Now, shall we?" I feel his presence besides me as I walk through the darkness.

After not long, we came to a cross roads. Either straight, or left.

"How about left? Then we can continue straight." I suggest. He hums a reply. We turn and walk left. A few steps later, and we're met with a door thats open ajar. I go to open it when Iida puts his arm out infront of me.

"Allow me." He says. I shrug as I step back. He cautiously opens the door and peeks inside. I walk in after him and stare at the window infront of us. It was a window to the gas room. I felt myself get agitated as I saw the controls infront of the window.

"So someone's trying to kill us." I say plainly, walking over to the controls and turning it all off. Iida came up behind me and stared out onto the room. I had just noticed that he had put his helmet back on. I almost frowned.

"Perhaps it was a trigger of some sorts?" He said, looking down at the controls. I pressed my lips together.

"Maybe. But, it does seem like the type of mechanism to be manually activated." I reply. He looks at me and nods.

"Well, whoever or whatever did it could be ahead." He stands straight and looks to the door. "Lets go." With that, we walked over to the door and left the room.

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