heroes of action

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───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

I AWOKEN TO A POUNDING ON MY DOOR, AS WELL AS A MUFFLED VOICE. I groaned as I rose from my bed and walked to my door. I swung it open to be met with a terror ridden Tenya in uniform.

"Y/N! Those... those creatures escaped! They took down police officers and-" I clasped a hand over his mouth as I held a finger to my mouth.

"Come inside." I say quickly. He nods and I remove my hand. We briskly walk over to my couch and take a seat. I run a hand throw my hair as I stare at him. "Start from the beginning." I say.

He takes a deep breathe. "Those purple creatures escaped, all six of them that we found in the capsules yesterday. They killed or left over a dozen officers and heroes injured from trying to contain them. They've been spotted everywhere." He takes a small pause. "That's why you and I need to go find and destroy them." I nod.

"I'll go get changed." I stand up and speed walk to my bedroom. "If you plan on staying, help yourself to anything you want." I yell before closing the door.

After a few minutes, I get changed into my hero costume and walk out into my living room. Tenya stands up from his spot on the couch as I enter. He places his helmet on and gives a thumbs up.

"Ready?" He asks. I nod as I grab my phone and wallet from the kitchen and stride out the door with Tenya hot on my tail. We walk into the elevator and press for the ground floor.

"We basically have to locate and take out these creatures, correct?" I say, feeling the elevator rocket down a few floors. He nods.

"Yes. The police has a special place to put them, so we'll just hand them over when their defeated." I raise an eyebrow.

"They want the dead bodies? What for?" I ask incredulously.

"Forensics want to operate on them, see what they really are." He glances to the side. "And see if they really are the hostages." I give a heavy sigh.

"This is pretty grim. Will we split up or tackle them together?" I ask. He pauses for a moment. We both turn to see the elevator doors open. We both walk out and head to the exit.

"Well, it would be logical to split up, but since these mutants are so strong, I think its rational to stay together." He explains. I nod as we walk out of the apartment complex.

"Alrighty then. Where's the first one?"

"Not far. I'd suspect that it's still in the alleyway I saw it in earlier when I came to get you." I nod and break into a run.

"Then lets get it."

Minutes of searching lead us to the first one. It stalked towards a civilian who had fallen and was now crying. I leaped between it and the person with blades out. I swiped at its chest and drew blood. It seemed to pause. I took this as my chance and dug my blades deep in its chest. It shrieked as it threw me to the side. I gasped for air as it was knocked out of me from the collision with a wall.

Tenya came up behind it and kicked its head against a pole, cracking its beak. I regained my breath and lunged at the creature, my bloodied blades stabbing into its neck. It clawed at its neck before collapsing. I huffed as I withdrew my claws and wiped the blood on my cape. I felt the stinging pain in my back but ignored it.

"Y/N! Are you okay?" Tenya asks, dashing to my side. I gave a weak smile as I nodded.

"I'll be fine. Check the civilian, see if he's okay. I just need a breather." He hestitantly nods as he turns and heads to the poor guy, who was currently in shock. I reached for my walkie talkie and ordered for police to arrive immediately. I slipped it back into my utlitly belt and sighed, trying to take my mind off the pain.

I felt a hand on my back. "Are you sure? That was a big hit." I turn and grimace at the hero.

"Yeah. Let's keep moving." I took a deep breathe as I started to walk with Tenya by my side. I felt my utility belt vibrate. I fished out my phone and read the screen. It was the location for the next monster to kill. I glanced at Tenya to see him receive the same message. We take a sharp left down an alleyway and start to run, in hot pursuit of our next target.

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