just a happy ending

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───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

AFTER LEAVING THE HOSPITAL AND GETTING THE OK TO WORK AGAIN, I decided to stay with Tenya and be a hero in Hosu. So far, it's been a week after deciding to work with Tenya. It's been a blast. I don't have to listen to Bakubomb's stupid rants about how an 'extra' stole his fight, Kaminari's endless flirting, Mineta's perving, and most of all, I get to work with Tenya. Best decision of my life so far.

Today was a little different. I was currently at a stand off with a group of villains threatening to kill a poor young boy if I didn't leave them alone to rob a jewelry store.

Half of me wanted to comply, but the other half wanted to strangle them.

"Let the boy go and I won't slice you too much." I threaten, two blades glinting in the sunlight from my elbows. They kept a pocket knife to the boys throat. The poor boy was crying and babbling uncontrollably. The crooks frowned and sneered at us.

"Like hell! Either you leave or he gets it." I frown.

'Come on Tenya...'

In a flash the guy threatening the young boy was sent flying over the kid. He laid sprawled out on the ground as the other one was punched. I crouched down and hugged the kid, holding him tight as Tenya took care of the two crooks. I turned around and saw the boys parents in tears. I smiled as I walked over to them and handed him the kid.

"Thank you so much!" The women cried. I gave a nod and small bow as I turned back to see Tenya handing over the criminals to the police. I smiled at him as he sighed something from the police. He looked up and walked over to me.

I held up my hand for a congratulatory high five. "Great job, Ingenium." I smirk. He returns my high five.

"You did well yourself, Forge." With that, we walked away continuing our patrol.

After a day of patrolling, I had to go to bed. It was sort of a normal thing now. Tenya would change out of his hero suit and accompany me to my apartment every night. I thought it was really sweet of him.

I unlocked my door, opened it and turned to Tenya. He wore a small smile.

"Thanks for walking with me, Tenya." He nodded and beamed.

"Its no problem!" I gave a soft chuckle as I gazed up at him.

"Why do you walk me back to my apartment every night anyways?" I ask, tilting my head a little. He seems to pause for a moment.

"W-Well." He brings his hand to his neck. "I just... really like spending time with you. And, it wouldn't be very gentlemanly to let you walk to your apartment by yourself." He smiles. I feel myself blush.

"Aw that's so sweet of you." I smile as I give him a hug. "Thanks for everything, Tenya." I say. I feel him return the hug, his warmth spreading to me. I pull away and give him a kiss on the cheek. I giggle as his cheeks flushed a deep red. I take a step back and place my hand on the door.

"I-I." He stuttered. I give a small smile as I step back into my apartment.

"Good night Tenya, get some sleep." I wave, closing the door. I exhale a shaky deep breathe and blush. "Holy shit I just did that." I whisper shouted to myself. I calm my nerves and walk to the kitchen. Food is my first priority.

I wake up groggily and turn to my side. I slap my bedside table and try to find my phone. I grasp it and wince as I read the message.

Tenya: Good morning.
Are you awake?

Yeah, what's up?

I lazily type. It doesn't take long for him to reply.

Tenya: Great! I'll be over soon!
See you in approximately 15 minutes.

"Fuck!" I yell. I leap out of bed and throw the covers on so that they look decent. I run to my bathroom and brush my teeth while brushing my hair. I speed walk toward my closet and throw clothes on my bed. I turn and sort through the pile.

"He never said what he was coming over for... What if he's just coming to pick me up for work? Shit what to I do?" I pick up a black and white baseball shirt with the number 1 on it. I shrug as I toss it to the side. "That'll do." I mutter. I grab some black skinny jeans. I shrug as I throw it with the shirt. "So will that." I quickly throw everything left in my closet. "I'll just put that away later." I say, knowing full well it'll take me days to do.

I put on my clothes and grab my phone and wallet. I here a knock at my door. I whip around and walk towards the door. I take a deep breathe before as I open the door. I see Tenya standing at the door with a smile and with flowers. He wore a blue button up shirt with black pants. I felt my breathe hitch.

"Good morning Y/N!" He welcomes warmly. "I am here to take you on a date!" My eyes widened as I forgot how to breathe for a few seconds. He thrusted the F/C flowers into my hands. "These are for you." He says sheepishly. I smile as I take the flowers.

"Aw thanks! One second, I'll put these in a vase." I turn and quickly go to my kitchen. I place them in a vase and walk back to Tenya. I step outside and lock my door. I turn to Tenya with a smile. "I'm ready." He nods as he held his arm out.

"Then let us be off." I held his arm and nod with a bright smile.


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