a final stand

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───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

FOUR WERE DOWN, AND I HAD SEEN BETTER DAYS. Tenya insisted that I go to a hospital, but I refused.

"I'll go when this is over. I can still fight." I said firmly. He scowled but kept running with me. I could tell he hated the idea, but didn't want to fight with me anymore. We approached the next two creatures. For some reason, they were together. Their behaviour sure was unusual. Then again, so were they.

"I'll take the right one, you take the left." I turn to see him nod. He sped infront of me, branching off left. I sprinted off to go get the right one. Two sharpened blades slid from the outside of my arms, coming from my shoulders. I leaped in the air, slashing down on the creatures back. It grunted as it turned around and stared at me. It howled as it threw a fist at me. I ducked under it and drove a blade into the underside of its arm.

It stepped back and growled. It was so fast that I didn't even notice it grab my neck. I only felt the suffocating pain. It grabbed one of my arms and twisted it grotesquely. I screamed as it broke it.

"Y/N!" The creature turned me around, so that my back was in its chest, and so I was forced to look at Tenya. His face was a splitting image of horror. I could only see half of his face because his helmet broke in half.

I'm guessing the purple people eater over there did that.

I bite my tongue, trying not to scream. My vision started to get blurry as I was suffocated. I stiffened my body.

"Not today motherfucker." I growled through clenched teeth. I summoned my remaining strength and made as many blades I could. The back of my ribcage sprouted out long thin blades that stabbed through the creatures chest. It drop m and shrieked a sickinging sound. It collapsed, taking me with it.

After that was darkness. Sweet, sweet darkness.

I felt numbing sensations as I heard unfamiliar sounds. I could make out bits and pieces of words, but not enough to explain anything.

"Vitals stable... broken... critical... make it..." I tried to open my eyes, but I just couldn't. My body was refusing to let me do anything. I tried to twitch my finger, do anything. But nothing happened. After a painfully long time, I gave up and fell back into unconsciousness.

I opened my eyes to immediately close them. The room was so bright that I couldn't handle it. I opened them again, but slower. I hear steady beeping to my right. I also felt something warm on my leg. I slowly looked down to see a patch of sleeping dark blue hair with arms crossed resting on my leg. I smiled at him. I went to move my right arm, but it wouldn't do anything. I frowned as I saw it by my side in a cast of sorts.

'Oh right, broken arm. Score.'

I grimaced as I slowly lifted my left arm. I saw that it had wires sticking out of it. I sighed into the mask, clouding it. I wanted to yank them out, but that really wouldn't help me. I lifted my functioning arm and gently pet the sleeping Tenya. His dark blue hair was so soft. He opened his eyes, making me freeze. His eyes widened as he slowly lifted his head with my hand still on it. I removed it and smiled.

"You're awake. You're finally awake! How are you? Are you feeling okay? Does it still hurt? Do you feel any pain?"

I giggle at his worry rant. "Tenya, I'm feeling fine. How long was I out for?" He settles down and holds my good hand.

"Two weeks." He mutters. I pause and pressed my lips together.

"Shit." I whisper, looking down. "After I blacked out, what happened?" I ask. He ponders over that one for a moment.

"Well..." He takes a moment to pause. "We had to get people to cut you away from that creature because of your blades. I then ran you to the hospital, where you were treated. The back of your rib cage had been partially disintegrated." He paused and stared at me. "It was... bad to say the least." I nod as I point to my broken arm.

"I found that one out." I say with a grin. "Other then that, did those things get taken away?" He nodded. I sighed and relaxed. "Well, at least that's over. I was getting tired of getting beaten up." I let out a dry laugh. I lift my head and smile at him. "What about you? How have you been?" I ask. He looks puzzled for a moment.

"How... I've been?" He asks slowly, as if not believing what I was saying. I nod with a grin.

"Yeah! How have you been?" He glances away with a small blush on his features.

"O-Oh! Well... for the past two weeks, I've either been out doing hero tasks or waiting here." He says sheepishly. I give his hand a squeeze while I give a chuckle.

"Well, thanks for not leaving me." He gives a bright smile.


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