fight or flight

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───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

[Gore warning]

WE MADE OUR WAY DOWN THE DARKENED HALLWAY. The only light source was my torch, which would be close to dying soon. We came to another door. This one was iron and had no lock.

Iida insisted on opening it again. I gave a chuckle as I stepped aside and let him open it. He walked in first, then me. He suddenly stops, making me walk into him. I was about to say something when I saw what he had stopped for. There was another one of those purple beasts. It stood in the center of the room, it's eyes fixated on us.

I took a step around Iida and stood next to him, gawking at the creature. I thought it was huge when it was on the floor, but now it was monstrously large, a good five feet above me. Iida held an arm out infront of me as he stared down the monster.

I formed two large blades that scaled past both my arms from my elbows, the warm metal tingling against my skin. I was ready to charge at this thing if Iida were to move his arm. The creature bellowed as it lunged forwards. I pushed Iida's arm to the side as I ran towards the creature. I side stepped its lunge and brought both my blades up, brandishing large cuts in its abdomen. I winced as it bled everywhere.

"RECIPRO BURST!" I heard Iida yell. Iida ran from the door and activates his quirk, his calves igniting a blue flame. He did a side twirl mid air then kicked the creature, sending it backwards I watched as he looked unsteady on his feet. His calves were fuming smoke.

I turn to look at the purple beast. It was propped against the wall, staring at us creepily. It didn't bother to hold it stomach as blood poured out. I furrowed my eyebrows as it lunged for Iida. My eyes widened. He can't move. I dash towards him and push him roughly to the side. I look up in time to see the creature punch me in the gut, sending me flying. I hit the wall and cracked it.

I groan as I use my blades to stand. I taste a distinct flavour of iron in my mouth. The creature stalks toward me, it's beak etched into a sinister smile. I huffed as I held my blades in front of me, ready to lunge if needed. It grabbed me by the collar and lifted me up. I took this as my golden opportunity and buried my blades deep into its chest. It let out a howl as it dropped me. I retracted my blades and let them manifest back into my skin and bone. I hit the back of my head gently on the wall as I breathe heavily. The creature took a few steps back and collapsed on the floor, a large pool of blood surrounding it.

"L/N! Are you okay?!" Iida says, kneeling in front of me. I manage a smile as I groan in pain.

"I'm... fine." I say, clutching my stomach. Needless to say, I was most definitely not fine. He sighs as he takes off his helmet and runs a hand through his hair.

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't be there to help you. And instead of fighting alongside you, I made the stupid mistake of underestimating that thing and tried to end it with one move. Now, it's all my-" I place a hand on his helmet and give a laugh.

"You look handsome without your helmet on." I say simply. He stops his rambling and looks at me, shocked and with a blush rising. I tilt my head to the side and I smile at him. "There's nothing to be sorry about. The blame is on the both of us." I use the wall to stand, the process being infuriatingly difficult.

I turn to him and offer a hand. He takes it and I yank him up. Instead of letting it go, he drops his helmet and engulfs me in a hug. I stagger for a moment, but hug him back.

"Thats... the second time you've saved me. Thank you." I give a grin.

"I wasn't aware that we were keeping score." I reply as we let go. He picks up his helmet and clips it to his side. I give a small smile at the action. I look to my left and see another window, except this one over looked the sewer system. I cringe at the memory of walking through the slush.

"It appears the windows here are all one sided." Iida says, looking out onto the sewers. I nod and hum to myself.

"So there's a chance that someone was watching us while we were there. Creepy." I observe quietly.

"Ready to go L/N?" I turn to see Iida at the next door. I give a chuckle as I walk over him.

"You can call me Y/N, last names are so formal." I say, walking past him and towards the door.

"Then you may call me Tenya, Y/N." I throw a smile over my shoulder as I glance at him.


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