Chapter 2

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    "You two are very brave. We thank you."  The officer says in a lighthearted way. His hair is black at the roots and the tips go white. It's unusual for the police to look like that but I don't say anything. I'm guessing it's not him aging because he looks like he is in his twenty's. I have a filter unlike my sister and she blurts out, "Why is your hair like a grandpa's hair upside down?" I give her my best mom look and she clamps her mouth shut. The officer looks at us uncertain how to answer.
    "Sorry about my sister, she doesn't know how to be polite sometimes." I look at her. She glances at me nervously. "No no it's fine," The officer chuckled. "My daughter has this little coupon book I made her for her birthday and one in their says, "Dye your hair a random color." So that's why my hairs like this." I read the officers name tag. Benjamin. What a boring name.
   I look to my left and study the police car. The window had scratch marks from the inside. The man rams his head to the window. Crack.
    The window breaks with pieces of glass shooting out. I jump and cover Callie, causing a shard to lodge itself into my shoulder. I bite my lip to hold back a cry of pain. I feel hands wrapping around my waist and pulling me to the ground. The police officer tries to stop him but the man slams his foot into the officers groin. Benjamin falls to the ground crying in pain.
    The man is above me holding a shard of glass to my throat. "Alexa?  What do I do?" Callie asks me, clearly scared. Shit! She is shaking again. I can't do anything because he will kill me and Callie can't do anything because she is too frail. He would snap her like twig an-
     My thoughts were interrupted by the man. "Do anything and your sister dies." He gives a small laugh and the studies me. I stay completely still in worry of what he would do.
     His face comes close to mine and I can practically taste the smell of trash cans and onions. "Your.. your no human." He says in a terrified voice. "Monster... like me!" He gets up and goes to Callie and sniffs her. "Monster?" She looks at me. Her eyebrows knit together in worry. I shrug my shoulders that I don't understand either which, sends pain down my arm. "You... your like me." He points to himself and laughs.
I get up and look at the police officer on the ground with his face puffy from crying. Pathetic. Says a small voice in the back of my head. Ignore it. I tell myself and I look at the crazy man mumbling to himself.  "Why do you attack people?" I say, trying to sound sincere. "They arnt monsters so they will hurt me. I never wanted to hurt in first place." I look at the man and feel a little bit of sorrow for him.
     I shake the thought away. He made Callie shake and she is frail and could burst into tears at any moment. And I don't need that. "Why should we trust you?" I ask, and I look at his dirty face.  You could tell he lived in the sewerage way all his life from how he  look to way smells. "Well, I don't suppose you should trust me... I mean look at me." Did his whole language change from crazy man to British!?
     "I know what you are thinking, I did change my language so if I ever got caught I  would seem like a crazy person. And no, I not crazy. I just know how to act. Now follow me and I can tell you what is happening." He gives a soft smile to show his broken teeth in his mouth. "And what about the cop?" Callie asks. She looks at me as if asking for approval. "I was just about to get to that."
     The man bends down and puts a white stick to the mans temple. Is he going to kill him!? The man clicks it like a pen, waits for a second and gets up. "And his memory is wiped." He says almost proudly.
    He holds out his hand, "So will you join me? Or will you stay here to take the blame because from my calculations, the police back up will be here in 2 minutes. I'll give you one minute to talk it over starting... Now." I look at Callie and try to think for a second. What is happening? It's all moving so fast. What do I do? How will I tell our pa- "We will do it." I look at Callie, her eyes sparkle for adventure. "Yeah, lets pack our bags." The man chuckles, "No need, I already got your stuff."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2019 ⏰

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