This... Is starting to get boring, Mizumi thought as she sat crossed-legged on the snow resting her elbow on her leg and her head on her hand.
Katara had been at this for hours and, while it was fun at first to see a girl beat up so many boys in a row, she was getting tired of it.
They were at a waterbending lesson and Master Pakku thought it would be a good idea to make all his students spar. It started of with Katara and some boy whose name Mizumi didn't know. As was to be expected of course, the boy lost.
Every time a person lost, they would sit down and the winner would continue sparring. Every time, that person was not Katara.
Now it was Sangok's turn to face Katara. It went exactly as expected.
Pakku was visibly displeased, "Nice try, Pupil Sangok." he said to the boy who was still trapped in ice, "A couple more years and you might be ready to fight a sea sponge".
Pakku unfroze the ice Sangok was in and continued, "Would anyone care for a rematch with Katara?"
Most of the students, including Mizumi, made unamused and tired expressions at the question.
"Actually," Katara interjected, "I was wondering if I could have a rematch with Mizumi"
At this, Mizumi almost choked on air. "Very well" said Pakku and stepped out of the way.
"Um," started Mizumi, slowly standing up, "last time I checked you already beat me, what's the need to do it again?"
"Last time I checked I was the one that lost."
"Ok, ok, but not really. I was 'disqualified'", Mizumi said, making air quotes at the word "disqualified" and crossing her arms with an unamused stare.
"This is a Waterbending class not and Earthbending Dojo." Said Master Pakku from where he stood; Mizumi mimicked him word for word; it's the same thing he had told her when he disqualified her. It was completely unfair, at least that's what Mizumi thought, part of being a bender is using unexpected techniques.
"But now I want to see which one of us would win in a strictly waterbending duel." said Katara.
"You, Katara", said Mizumi, not changing her unamused posture.
"You don't know that"
"Uh, yeah, I do." agued Mizumi, "But whatever, let's get this over with." She finished getting into a bending stance, but at this, Pakku cleared his throat.
Mizumi looked back at him, not understanding what he meant. He gestured to her stance. That's when it clicked. "Oh." She uttered, and took a waterbending stance, instead of an earthbending one.
"See," Mizumi smiled at Katara, "You're already winning."
Katara rolled her eyes and mimicked Mizumi's posture.
The battle had begun. They rounded each other, eyes locked, waiting for what would be the first strike.
Mizumi broke the trance and created a small wave by melting snow that was on the ground. She launched it at Katara, but in that moment she saw Katara smirk.
She knew what that meant
"Oh no."
Katara launched into action, spinning and taking the water with her, launching it back to Mizumi.
With a jump and an outward x motion with her arms, Mizumi dispersed the water, turning it back into snow and creating a few annoyed snow men as the snow covered her fellow pupils.
Mizumi (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
AventurăMizumi never really wanted a normal life, but she got more than she bargained for. The 100-year War has caused her to move from home to home. The Fire Nation is relentless and kindness is not at the top of their list. But when one day she finds her...