Ch.22 Admitting

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Brite turned on her side in such an abrupt fashion that the bed sounded as if it was crying for help, "You were what?!"

The blonde laying next to her shrugged, he had his arms behind his head as a makeshift pillow for support.

"Yeah, the whole time they weren't my real parents." Drift stayed staring at the ceiling, reminiscing and reliving the past in his mind, "My real ones were somewhere off in Japan. You probably don't know where that is but let's just say it's far away."

Brite nodded but she didn't speak as she was eager for him to continue.

"They lived in the states at first. Why did they leave me behind? I don't know." He sighed, "I dealt with learning the truth, but not in a way that my step mom approved of."


10th grade.

When I changed my identity.

"Drift what the hell did you do!?"

She was screeching at me, my fake mom. The woman that I couldn't really see as someone who deserved to have authority over the things that I do with my life. I had always looked at her in such a positive light until now.

How could I? She looked nothing but sick to me now, and I couldn't bother looking at her sad face anymore.

"What? You don't like it?"

She looked broken, "No! Of course not, how are you going to grow all of that back? Oh my lord..and what is that mask? Take it o-"

"I'm not growing it back, by the way." I turned to her, grateful that she couldn't see the frown on my face. The only thing visible was the piercing hatred I had in my eyes.

"I'm not your son anymore. You can't tell me what to do."

My step dad didn't say a word to me, but he nodded in my direction and placed his hands on my step mom's shoulders.

He still has my back, even now.


Brite's eyes shifted to look at Drift's hair, then his dust mask, "I'm guessing this is the infamous  'bad boy' look your step mom hated so much huh?" A breathy, soft laugh could be heard from her. She was keeping her voice low as if keeping a secret.

A secret between just the two of them.

Drift ruffled his hair while a sad smile played on his lips, she noticed the look in his eyes change.

"Yeah, you're looking at it right now."

"I like it."

"I know you do." He winked at her and she slapped his arm.

"Shut up, I was just being nice." Brite rolled her eyes and turned away from him, but Drift only laughed and admired how cute her pouting was.


They remained silent for awhile before Drift decided to continue.


11th grade.

When I met an old friend.

"Oh my-"

It was a girl.

If you're one of the lucky ones during Study Hall you'd get to go to the library, mostly the troublemakers came here to screw around.

I was one of those troublemakers, sometimes.

"Drift!" The girl whisper-yelled to me. 

I pretended to ignore her.

"Drift!" She tried again.

Close Encounter (Drift x Brite Bomber)Where stories live. Discover now