Ch.9 Hotel 23

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            Her heart was pounding, the adrenaline coursing through her veins exhilerating. Drift was ahead of her by only a few feet and when it came to running or driving he was a speed demon. Brite learned that lesson quickly.

           She laughed as he glanced back at her, knowing that he probably had some kind of smirk on his face.

You win this time, Drift.

            It was obvious he was going to make it before her but she wasn't going to give up, no way. The 'Now Entering Paradise' sign was clear in sight and the group had already made it to the hotel. She watched as he caught up with them in no time and she followed close behind.
              "Speed demon." She teased, giving him a pouting face and Drift laughed, having his arms crossed in triumph.
             "It's alright I'll let you win next time."

         Hotel 23 was absolutely packed with people left and right. Well, really they were the reason it was so crowded. Rex, Cuddle Team Leader, Brite Bomber, Drift, and Redline were blocking the entrance which caused a few people to yell complaints. One of them being Rook, the receptionist.
           "Excuse me, your group is blocking the entrance, if you would so kindly shift to the left to open up the doorway for newcomers that'd be greatly appreciated." She spoke directly to Rex, who was at the desk trying to get everything situated. He nodded respectfully and asked everyone to step aside, and they did but not without a few complaints from Redline. Rex shook his head, thinking of how difficult the woman was with the smallest of things.
            "Soooo, Rex." Cuddle crept up next to him, the mischief oozing from her voice.
            "Who's rooming with who?~"
             He shook his head.
            "No, I'm not telling you." He quickly denied, she pouted and leaned on the counter.
            "Did you atleast.." her voice lowered to a whisper, "put Brite and Drift in the same room?"
            The pink bear was so excited about the chemistry between the two it made her want to jump with joy. Rex, on the other hand wasn't as happy about it.
            "No, I put Drift in a room with his duo." He stated and Cuddle gave him a thumbs down.
           "BOOO no funnn!!"
           He chuckled and handed Rook the pay.
           "Tough, it's my decision." He tapped her bear head with the key cards and she gasped, crossing her arms dramatically to let him know she was angry.

       But a plan was underway, Cuddle wouldn't give up so easily. She tip toed over to Drift, who had already grabbed his keycard from Rex.
            "Hi Drift!" She smiled wide at him although he couldn't see it, she was very expressive. He looked at her with confusion, since when was she so friendly?
           "Hi?" He mumbled. Cuddle couldn't see his face, though. What's the new mask about?
           "I heard Brite say that she reaallyy reaaallly wanted to room with you. I know she didn't want me to tell, but I thought you'd be more willing to room with her if I told you why!" Cuddle smiled under her bear head, this was going to be so good.

          Drift was immediately caught off guard, Brite? Rooming with him? Without any control over it heat rose up to his face. The fact that she asked Cuddle instead of saying it to him directly made him think she was being shy. He'd shrug, thankful that his kitsune mask was covering his face at the moment. 'Play it cool'
             "What about Redline?" He lowered his voice to say this, hoping she wasn't listening or hearing their conversation. He knew she'd be against rooming with somebody on the other team.
            "Don't worry, she'll get her own room." Cuddle giggled and skipped away before Drift could protest or respond. He didn't agree audibly but on the inside the blonde was happy to be rooming with somebody he's comfortable with.


       "What!?" Brite squeaked, Cuddle knew Brite all too well, which is why she asked to step outside. That way nobody would hear her reaction.
             "Y..You did what!? I mean.. like, its not like I'm upset or anything but Cuddle what if he thinks I.." Her throat felt dry.

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