Real in surreal surprise

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 I walked out of my office as I saw as all the staff has completed their work and took their day off at 5 pm

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I walked out of my office as I saw as all the staff has completed their work and took their day off at 5 pm. It was already 8 pm now. I was so exhausted and drove to my mansion.

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I took a long and cold shower to relax my body

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I took a long and cold shower to relax my body. I ate my regular dinner chicken wings with veg-steak. Then I went to my study and started working on my laptop. I was checking e-mails when I saw a mail from jack. And their was a picture attached to it. And there she is, my angel, my heal and my sweet heart and what not? The photo was taken at the entrance gate of the airport. I still dont know why I fell for this girl and that to, so hard. I quickly finished my work. There were some projects which has to be done and sighned by the next weekend. When I saw the time,it was 1am. I placed my glasses on the nightstand and laptop on the table and went to the warmth under my duvets. I tried to sleep but only I can imagine is my girls face. She will be here tommorow. But thinking her in my arms made me fell asleep.

"wake up George, you are already late. Wake up lazy boy". Nonna said chuckling. Nonna is my maid and she is my second mother because whenever my parents were at tours or business trips. She took care of our sibblings, since I was 2years baby. She has all rights over me after my family.

"good morning". I said with a lazy smile.

" good morning to you too son". she said in sarcasism. I understood that I am late.

"what is the time ma?" okay ma I call her like that because as I told you she is my second mom.

"its 40 past 11 son". Wait! What? For gods sake I must be at the party hall where todays party is going to be held. I quickly left the bed and took a shower doing my routine and wore a navy blue armani suit and went to downstairs, where Nonna was already holding a plate with bacon and eggs with some orange juice I guess. I quickly dug into my breakfast. I went to the party hall, and checked all the arrangements and attended a meeting with a client. The deal was success though but it took lot of efforts to convince that man to invest in our company. Finally he agreed. When I returned to my mansion it was already 5 in the eve. I took a quick shower and picked a white tuxedo which was designed by my sister Evelyn Russell. She is one of the best designers in the whole UK. She designs for both and women. And I am literally proud of her. I quickly drove to the party hall. I was greeted by usual boring businessmen. I went to my mom and dad who were sitting at the centre of the party hall at a large dining table.

"hii son! How are you? Its been a week since I last saw you". by saying those words she hugged me so tightly. I saw Evelyn was chatting with some girls about lip colours and makeup. Women will be women. But I couldnt find Jack its already 7. After wondering about him for some time I went to the bar and ordered a chilled beer. When my eyes were roaming over the hall I found Jack with a girl. Jack with agirl? Its pretty much impossible because he believes in true relationship. Even I believe the same but I dated so many girls but just for one night or two. Yeah I know I just do hook ups. But the recent was quite long. Her name is Veronica Fernandez. I met her at a charity event, everything was fine until she started emotional drama. I know she wants my money. Meanwhile Jack came to me and again there she is. But how dare Jack brought her as his date, I am gonna screw his nuts.

"hey bro this is mahathi, you already know her. And this is your boss and my big brother george russell". He introduced me. I know he he has so many plans in his mind. I made a big mistake by telling him that I love her. But no matter of thinking its been two years since I fell in love with her and now I am getting introduced. But she doesnt know that I know every fucking detail about her.

"Jack you are late". I said in a bossy voice.

"George you are not a boss here".he said while winking.

They were seated as Jack was to my right and mahi was on my left. Taking a sip of beer I saw how her hair was loose and those curls were just awesome. Her brown orbs which were filled with innocence and shy. Her skin was just fair not like all those models who have milk white skin. But she was more gorgeous than them. Actually why iam I comparing? Meanwhile a waiter came to us he offered her a drink and she gave him sweet smile. OMG!!! That smile, was so breath taking. I think I'll end up on my knees if she will be like this here ten more minutes. After that jack and my angel went to the centre dinning table and greeted both my mom and dad. Even every single person in my family knows that I love her, but my bad except my angel everyone know that. I know that my mom and dad love her without even seeing her but after seeing her even they got into her magical spell.

"Hey baby!!" Veronica my present and recent hookup and believe me she is such a bitch, called me and swung her arms around my neck seductively. I groaned in frustation and dragged her hands away from my neck and left her. I was drinking so badly as the bitter taste of alcohol moved down my throat. Meanwhile Evelyn came to me asked for a dance. She literally dragged me from the bar to dance floor. We were dancing in a good sync until I found my angel dancing with my brother. I know he is not into stealing my girl but a glint of jealousy overwhelmed me. I was staring at her and suddenly her head snapped up and her brown orbs were deeply bored into mine. I dont know whether its the affect of alcohol on me I was even not evading my gaze from her. Suddenly she shifted her gaze to Jack and they were laughing. It made me jealous. I left the dance floor with a sudden urge. Suddenly I was dragged by someone. It was mahathi, my angel who was kissing me fevourishly. But something is wrong and suddenly she stopped kissing me. when I saw that face I was in pure disgust. Veronica! I slapped her hard acroos her face.

"Dont you dare to do this again or else im gonna end your career. Cope some fucking sense in your mind". I was leaving the rest room and I was totally embaressed to see mahi standing there in pure disgust. I really hated me, for acting stupid. I left that place hurriedly and drove to my mansion. I had a cold shower and reliefed my self from that incident and went to sleep. But it was so hard to sleep. But what to do finally regretting for what I did. I fell asleep.

Guys there you go the second chapter. Still it is not completely edited. But please do support me, vote and comment. Make 200 reads atleast and then I'll update the next chapter. Love you guys 😍😍

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