Chapter Five

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One Year Ago

Love, already here at the club with the guys. It's fucking boring.

I rolled my eyes upon reading the message but still smiled. I know better. Silver likes the club scene. He's a full pledged party boy, kaya nga naging kami diba? I quickly typed a reply for him.

Why did you go then?

Hehe. Love you :)

My smile disappeared at that. I didn't think twice locking my phone and setting it aside.

Silver and I have a mutual understanding. We're in a relationship because it's convenient for us. He needed a girl to show to his parents that he's starting to mature by taking commitments seriously while I just needed a boyfriend to stop my mother from setting me up on endless dates with her friends' sons.

Silver proposed his idea to me and asked me to be his girlfriend. We both thought it'd be fine for us to be in a relationship because we've known each other since we were babies since his family is a close family friends and we're compatible.

It worked out pretty well. We've been together for nine months now and I never regretted our decision. Our families were happy, I was happy. I can't complain because Silver's pretty sweet and thoughtful. He's happy because he got his parents off of his back. We were happy.

Everything's perfect. I might not love him the way a girlfriend should love her boyfriend, but I respect our relationship. In my own opinion, I think the second best thing you can give your partner is respect, because if you respect someone, you'll never do anything to betray their trust. You'll never do anything that they wouldn't like or hurt their feelings.

I resumed my advance reading, outlining what I've read on paper. I deeply enjoy the process of outlining. My penmanship was neat. I use pastel colored highlighters not only because it's effective in grouping information but it's also very pretty.

The screen of my phone lit up with a Facebook notification. I brought down my pen and reached for it in curiosity. Someone sent a friend request.

Jakob Adain Esquivel.

My forehead creased. Curious. Who's that?

I tapped his profile first before anything else. His profile picture is just a photo of him standing in front of a white wall. He's good looking, especially with that small brown dot below his eye. It made his eyes more appealing. His face is still not familiar though.

I checked his basic information and the only thing that mattered is that we're attending the same university. That's enough for me to accept the friend request. I didn't bother stalking his profile and went back to my readings.

I called it a night when my eyes started to close on their own. Sleep was dominating my system and it's pulling me to one direction... the bed.

Just like the usual, I woke up at six in the morning. 7 o'clock ang call time namin para sa swimming practice. Then my class will start at 10:30AM and my last subject will end at 6PM. Sometimes until 9PM. This is my almost everyday routine and I'm happy with it.

Almost all of the girls were already there when I arrived. I changed into my swimming attire. A one piece suit and a swimming cap to scoop my hair. I showered quickly before going to the pool area.

Some were stretching, some were still chit-chatting since coach is still not around. I minded my own and began my stretching exercise.

"You're here early," a snide voice joined me company.

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