Chapter Eight

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My death's investigation status. One out of four is proven innocent. Juliette's, my ex-bestfriend, alibi checked out. I've found out Silver's alibi yesterday but I failed to find anything to confirm his whereabouts for that night.

Silver as the killer is starting to make sense. He's got a motive. He has an anger management issue that I've experienced first hand. I can't confirm his alibi. Plus he's the first one to find my body.

He's already at the crime scene. All I need is to find a solid proof that can link him to the murder. I'm sure I can dig more from him. I just have to earn his trust somehow.

Think, Fabienne. Think.

He said his greatest regret is arriving at the campus too late. I remember the time that was reported at the article. He claimed to found the body at 9:10PM. What if I can prove that he arrived at the campus early enough to kill me?

Just finding out that he lied about his statement is enough to make him look suspicious. Why would he lie about the time of his arrival if he's innocent, right?

Kaso paano? I doubt I can simply request to see the CCTV footage of the university's gates. Or even just the record of entries in the school through the electronic turnstile. That pursuit is a dead end for now unless I can think of another way pero sa ngayon ay blangko ang utak ko.

"Oh. Ate, aalis ka?" a girl's voice asked as I was closing the door of Kinsley's bedroom.

I turned and found Kirsten who looked like she's about to enter her room. I smiled at her and nodded. "May pupuntahan lang. Why?"

She grimaced. "Magpapasama sana ako sayo sa mall ngayon kasi wala kang pasok ngayon diba?"

"Half day lang ako sa Thursday. I can pick you up at your school? Is that okay?" I asked her.

Her whole face lit up. She eagerly nodded. "Sige, Ate."

I smilingly nodded. "Alright."

Today is the day my body will be buried. I can't attend the ceremony because I'm positive that only family members and closer friends will attend. Wala naman akong plano lumapit. I just really wanna watch from a far.

The sky was dark, it is as if the weather wants to empathize. I brought a basket of pink Azaleas for myself since it's my favorite.

I stood near a grave of someone I don't know, just a short distance from where my grave would be. Wala naman ako pwedeng pagtaguan dahil madamong open area ito. I just hope they won't think I'm spying and that I'm just really visiting this specific grave.

I scanned the crowd to familiarize with the faces. First, my family is in complete attendance. My suspects are present aside from Olive. At least she's decent enough not to pretend that she's mourning my death. 

My heart broke as I watched my loved ones cry as my casket was lowered to the ground. My mother's eyes were filled with tears. My father's expression was impassive, almost cold. While my brother looked angry and mad at the world as he watched the scene unravel before him.

Juliette was sobbing so hard that her cousin had to hug her for comfort. Even Silver who was trying hard not to cry that las time we spoke was crying. My cousin, Gavin, though... His expression was grave as he intently stared in front.

I waited for everyone, including my family, to leave before finally approaching my grave. My chest tightened as I stared at the fresh soil. I could feel my knees weakening and my eyesight blurring by the minute.

I'm dead. I'm really dead.

Tears began to roll down my cheeks. My knees gave out. It's like all of my strength drained. I slowly sunk to the grass and brought down the basket that I was holding. My eyes never strayed away from the grave in front.

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