Chapter Eighteen

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My shoulders jumped when knocks blared from the door. I panicked. I quickly brought back the note in the box and hid it under the bed.

My heart was beating fast as I crossed the room. I calmed myself before opening the door. My shoulders relaxed and I let out a relieved sigh when I saw Jakob.

He must have seen something in my face because darkness fell over his face. His body straightened like he's ready to avenge me for anything. He closed the distance between us.

"What's wrong?" he gravely asked.

"Someone sent me a package," I whispered. I was truly terrified that whoever sent that will hear me.


Hindi na ako nagpaliwanag pa. Kinuha ko ang kamay ni Jakob at hinila siya papasok ng kwarto. Suminghap siya pero nagpahatak na rin. I brought him beside my bed before kneeling down and taking the box underneath. Agad din akong tumayo at ipinakita sa kanya 'yon.

Jakob's forehead was creased as he went through the contents of the box. His jaw clenched as he looked at it one by one. He picked up the note. My eyes widened when I saw that his eye was glowing again.

"Jakob, yung mata mo..." I trailed.

He brought his eyes to me; one was still brightly glowing. My lips parted at how divine it looked. Agad niyang ipinikit ang mga mata. Nang ibukas niya 'yon ay nawala na ang liwanag.

"Dig what? Who sent this?" he asked. He's not even shook that his eye was glowing. Mas priority niya pa ang sitwasyon ko.

Umiling ako sa kanya. "I don't know. Nakita ko lang sa kama ko," sagot ko. I was still distracted though. I couldn't look away from his eye. "Why is your eye glowing? What are you?"

"Hindi ko alam." He shook his head. Confliction flashed in his face. "It never happened to me before but..."

"But?" I urged.

"I woke up in the middle of the night and saw a guy in an all-black attire hovering over me. I can't remember his face. He touched my eye and said: 'it's time for you to see'. I felt a light sting but that's it. I thought it was just a dream."

Kumunot ang noo ko sa pagkagulo. "See what?"

"You?" Jakob answered.

Nanlaki ang mga mata ko. It sounded like a damn pickup line. Hindi ko mapigilan ang sarili sa pamumula. It was a natural reaction.

Jakob chuckled lightly. I glared at him for it. He smiled and shook his head before finally putting a serious face again. "It's not important right now. We have to worry about this." He lightly shook the box to give emphasis on his point.

I don't agree that it's not important but I'm willing to set it aside for now. I nodded and took a deep breath.

"Let's go downstairs. Nakauwi na si Noah kaya kakain na ng dinner," Jakob calmly exclaimed.

Muli akong tumango. "Okay."

Before heading to the dining area, I chose to hide the culprit's gift for me on the bottom of the stacked clothes in Kinsley's closet. I got rid of the box and only kept the photos and the note.

Everyone was already seated when Jakob and I reached the dining room. The table was already set up. All eyes were on us when Jakob helped me with my chair. Mariah seemed flippant. Kirsten was trying her hardest not to grin but obviously failing. Noah was grimacing so hard his face was contorted. Gusto kong umirap. Mahipan sana ng hangin.

After saying our prayers, we began to eat. Habang kumukuha ng pagkain ay naghanap ako ng tamang paraan para itanong ang tungkol sa package.

I cleared my throat and tried to act as casual as possible. "Uh, Mom."

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