Chapter Twenty-Eight

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One Month Ago

"Sir, when can I take the special long quiz?" I asked my professor as he packed his laptop inside his bag.

I approached him as soon as he dismissed the class. Meanwhile, my classmates are already rushing out of the room.

Hindi ako nakakuha ng long quiz dahil absent ako nang gawin 'yon nung isang araw. I participated in a swimming competition, that's why I wasn't around last Friday. May special quizzes at exam naman ang varsity kapag nag-absent dahil sa pag participate sa school-related activity.

Napahinto siya sa ginagawang pag-ayos ng bag at sumandal sa likod ng upuan. He looked like he was enlightened as he looked me. "Oo nga pala. I forgot about that."

I just shyly smiled and waited for what he'll say next. He sighed and remained quiet for a seconds as if contemplating about something.

"Kailangan pa ba 'yon? Paniguradong perfect score ka naman," he jested and laughed. I briefly laughed a long with him. He resumed fixing his things. His phone alerted a new message. Tumigil ulit siya sa ginagawa at may binasa roon.

Kumunot ang noo niya at pinatay ang phone bago ibinalik ang tingin sa akin. "How about this, Ms. Sloan. May klase ka ba ng 4:30 today?"

Vacant time ko 'yon bago ang klase ko ng six. I shook my head. "None, Sir."

"That's good." He considerately nodded. "How about instead of taking the quiz, papuntahin na lang kita ng 4:30 class ko para mag substitute? Bibigyan mo lang sila ng activity and then collect the papers afterwards. Unfortunately, I have a meeting to attend."

Personally, I'd rather take the long quiz... but I guess substituting for a class isn't bad. Balita ko ay 50 items ang long quiz.

"Okay, Sir," I compliantly answered.

He wrote the instruction on a yellow paper including the section, subject code, and room number. He gave me that and a whiteboard marker before dismissing me.

On my last subject for today, we were dismissed on time. I was late for five minutes because I dropped by at the restroom to check on myself before proceeding to the room. Hindi naman ako nagmamadali. May grace period na fifteen minutes ang mga professor.

The room instantly turned quiet as soon as I opened the door. Lahat ng mga mata ay sa pintong bumukas, sa akin. Nang makita na hindi professor ang pumasok ay nagpatuloy ang iba sa pag-uusap, some looked at me with curiosity in their eyes. They probably think I entered the room by mistake.

Nagpatuloy ako sa pagpasok at hinayaan magsara ng kusa ang pinto sa likod ko. I smiled and looked at the students seated near the door. "Hi, is this section ME304?"

"Oo," sagot ng babae.

"Thank you." I smiled at her before heading towards the table in front of the class. Ibinaba ko ang bag doon at inilabas ang white board marker at isang yellow paper. Medyo maingay pa rin sila kahit na nakatayo na ako sa harapan. I cleared my throat. "Excuse me."

My loud voice silenced them for a moment. All of their eyes were on me; expectantly looking at me. I scanned the students for familiar faces but they were all strangers to me. One face stood out though.

A guy was blatantly staring at me. No... more like gawking at me with disbelief. His eyes were a little wide; like he was stunned upon seeing me. My forehead creased at his odd reaction.

I raised a brow before taking my eyes off him and gazed at the class a whole. They were all waiting for what I was going to announce.

"May meeting si Prof. Mercado ngayon," I started and they immediately cut me off with their cheers. I smiled in amusement before resuming, "but he sent me to give you an activity that needs to be submitted today.

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