Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Her hands were wrapped around my neck that I couldn't breathe. I'm starting to wonder how many times I am going to be choked to death in this life time.

I gripped on the hands on my neck and dug my nails as hard as I can. It helped loosen her hold on me but it wasn't enough. I was running out of oxygen and at this rate, she'll surely break my throat.

What are you gonna do now, Fabie?

I desperately reached for her face but I couldn't. My eyes fell down on her long flowing hair. I didn't think twice in grabbing it and pulling it down. She yelped but I remained dragging her head down. I grabbed both side of her face and pressed my thumbs on her eyes.

She wailed in pain and stopped her from choking me. Inabot niya ang kamay ko pero bago niya mahawakan 'yon ay sinuntok ko na siya sa mukha at matapos ay itinulak palayo sa akin. I successfully managed to stand up.

My throat feels sore and I was still coughing as an effect of being choked. I hurried my way to the door. Just as when I was about to reach for the handle, I felt a stinging sensation at the back of my head when she gripped my hair and pulled me back with so much force.

My head tipped back. I reached for her hand that was clutching on my hair. She used her other hand to hold my jaw as tight as she could. She forced me to face the mirror. A malevolent smile was splattered on her face as she stared at our reflection.

"Why are you doing this?" I cried out.

She looked at me through the mirror. She ostentatiously grinned. "Because it's fun."

I gave her an incredulous look. This lunatic is going to kill me for fun. I don't know how to react to that.

"Say goodbye now," she happily bid and held my hair tighter. She pulled my hair back as if getting some momentum. My eyes widened when I realized what she wanted to do. She's going to bash my head on the mirror.

Before she could do what she was planning to do, the door made a banging sound when it opened. My eyes flew towards the door and saw Mabel.

Shock was casted on her face. Her eyes were nearly bulging. "Kinsley!"

That caught Valerie's attention. I didn't waste a moment and elbowed Valerie as hard as I can. I don't care where it hit her. I didn't make another mistake by escaping immediately. I kicked her on her leg to make sure that she stays on the floor before I made a run for it.

I ran towards the opened door. Mabel was still stunned while staring at Valerie that she didn't even flinch when I held her wrist and pulled her with me. As soon as we were out of the restroom, I screamed for bloody help as we ran.

May dalawang nurse staff ang sumalubong sa amin. Akala ko ay lalapit sila sa amin pero lumampas sila. It made me looked behind me. I saw them restraining Valerie whose eyes were flaring with disdain. She looked hell bent on escaping their hold to attack me again.

Another nurse came to assist me and Mabel. He brought us to the infirmary. Mabel remained silent the whole time. Nang makita ng nurse na wala siyang galos ay pinabalik na siya sa kanyang kwarto. She never glanced at my way as she left the room.

"Is Mabel okay?" I asked the nurse who's treating the bruise on my neck.

He nodded. Patuloy lang siya sa paggamot sa akin. "Traumatic events can trigger her episodes. Magiging maayos din siya."

The door opened without any knocks as a prelude. Pareho kaming napatingin sa pumasok. Napatayo ako nang makita si Jakob na nasa likuran ng nurse.

I saw him release a deep breath that he's been holding at the sight of me. His eyes scanned me from head to toe. He brought back his eyes to my face and squinted near my lips. I'm pretty sure my cheek is swollen. His jaw clamped.

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