Chapter Six

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Six Months Ago

I kept my pen and binder inside my bag as soon as the professor dismissed the class. I waited for the others to leave the room before I headed to the door.

Silver was leaning on the wall when I first saw him. I heavily sighed and went to the opposite direction but I know it's useless because he'll still run after me.

"Fabienne!" he called.

I sighed again. Why am I not used to this?

"It's your break. Sabay tayong mag lunch?" he cheerfully asked.

"No," I simply answered, not bothering to look at him.

"Come on, Fabie. Wala ka naman kasabay diba. I'll treat you! We can eat at your favorite place," he baited. As if free food will convince me.

"No thanks. I can afford."

"Sige na, Fabie... Please," Silver pleaded. "Just one lunch. Hindi kita kukulitin bukas kapag pumayag ka."

Napahinto ako sa paglalakad. That made him stop, too. He looked hopeful. He thought I was going to finally agree.

"Hindi mo ko kukulitin kapag pumayag ako? You're saying that as if you're doing me a favor. Look, Silver. It's been six months since we broke up. Can you just stop following me? Please, leave me alone because I swear to God I'm so close to filing a TRO."

The hope in his eyes shattered in front of me and I didn't care. I don't feel any guilt. We were done. Siya ang may kasalanan kung bakit natapos kami. I don't have anything to be sorry for. I'm just being frank.

He failed to respond. At mukhang wala rin naman siyang plano na sumagot pa. Good.

Satisfied, I turned my back on him and left him there. I just hope that I managed to send the message across. We are never going to happen again. Ever.

It's been six months since we broke up and he's been hounding me since then. Sinusundo niya ako sa bahay kahit na hindi ako sumasama sa kanya. He kept appearing in between my classes, just like what he did today. He convinced me again and again to let him drive me home but I never agreed. Binibigyan niya rin ako ng regalo. Either I'll leave it somewhere or throw it if there's a trash bin near by.

I seemed so cold but I was patient with him at the beginning. I told him that I wanted to be left alone but he didn't respect my wishes. If he's trying to show that he's dedicated to prove himself worthy of my forgiveness, then it's not working. The way he's disregarding what I want only reminds me of the time he failed to give me respect.

On the other hand, Juliette never attempted to reach out and I know it's for the best. Hindi ko rin naman siya papansinin kung subukan niya man akong kausapin. She already broke my trust. Even if I can forgive her and I'm not saying that I will, I just don't think I'll ever trust her the same way again. There's already a crack in our relationship and no amount of repairs can fix it.

I don't hate them, no. I've realized that hate is a powerful emotion and I shouldn't waste it to inconsequential people. I don't want to give them the power to hurt me again.


I checked my watch as the elevator ascended. I'm twenty minutes early for my next class but I don't have anywhere else to go. The class before mine is probably still in the room, so I'll just have to wait outside. Maybe I can read.

There weren't any students on the hallway. I peeked through the small rectangular window of the door to check if the room's still being used. My eyebrows raised when I saw that it's empty.

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