Chapter Eleven

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One Month Ago

"Where are you, Ate? The game's about to start," Flynn grumbled on the line.

"Kakatapos lang ng class ko. Can you chill?" nakatawa kong sabi.

"Tss. It's already past your dismissal."

"I'm already on my way, Flynn." I rolled my eyes but the amusement nevert left my lips. "When are you going to get yourself a girlfriend, huh? Para hindi na ako yung ginugulo mo."

He snorted. "Sakit lang sa ulo ang mga 'yon and you're enough headache, Ate."

I laughed. "Awee. I'm touched, Flynn."

"Just hurry up!" he snided before dropping the call.

I laughingly shook my head and hid my phone. My amusement poofed when I saw my cousin walking towards my direction. Based on the distaste his face, he's got no business with me and we just happen to cross paths.

I thought hard if I was going to acknowledge him but he decided for me when he stopped as we came face to face. I mentally sighed.

"Fabie," he greeted. No. The action word that I used doesn't seem appropriate. Snide works. He spat in disgust sounds even more appropriate.

I don't kill people who hate me with kindness. I kill them with indifference.

"Gavin," I casually greeted back. I don't even need to yawn to sound disinterested.

"Grand Dad is hosting a dinner later. It was mentioned this morning. Did your family receive an invitation?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "Last week pa."

Darkness shadowed his face. His jaw was ticking from here in irritation. "Last week."

I could be smug because he's bragging an invite to a dinner that I already knew about a week ago but I honestly couldn't care less. All I want in life is peace.

"Yeah." I lifted my arm to check the time on my gold wristwatch. "I have to go. Manonood pa ako ng game ni Flynn. See you later."

He didn't respond and I also didn't give him a chance to do so. Nagmamadali ako. Flynn will be pissed if I come too late.

I hastened my way to the gym. I was just approaching the entrance but I can already hear chants and cheers. The announcer's voice echoed from the speakers.

The gym was crowded, but fortunately not crowded enough. Ayaw kong nakikipagsiksikan kaya buti na lang at 'di ganun karami ang tao.

The game was already in motion. I scanned the players who were in the game to look for my brother. Madali ko siyang nahanap. He was wearing a green jersey just like the rest of his team mates. Green for life, since he's taking up BS Biology, I guess.

The opposition is the college of Mechanical Engineering. They're wearing maroon jerseys. Inisa-isa ko ang mga mukha, baka sakaling may pamilyar sa akin but they all looked like strangers to me.

Cheers from the crowd and loud flirty squeals from some of the girls startled me. I searched for the reason of the uproar and found a guy from the Mechanical Engineering team. They were at the BS Biology's side of the court, I'm guessing that he made a steal because the ball is in his hand.

Tumakbo siya patungo sa courtside nila, kung saan ako malapit kaya kitang-kita ko ang paglapit nila sa gawi ko. I watched as the guy dribbled the ball while he ran. His eyes were sharp and focused. Two players from BS Biology ran after him and steal the ball but he was able to smoothly elude them.

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