Final Chapter

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Maraming salamat sa nagtiis sa akin sa genre na ito kahit baguhan. 

Please dont spoil anything sa comment section if ever you'll reread Mnasthai one day. I'll very much appreciate it.

May epilogue pa.

See you sa book 2!


"Jakob... Jasmeen's..." Kinsley was sobbing so hard on the phone that I can't understand what she's saying, but I heard my sister's name and that's enough to make me panic.

"Kinsley, breathe," I told her.

Sinunod niya ang inutos ko at huminga siya nang malalim pero agad pa rin tumakas ang hikbi sa bibig niya. "Jakob, Jasmeen's dead," she whispered.

My eyes watered. I clenched my jaw. My chest was constricting. "That's not a good joke, Kinsley. If you two are up to something-" I didn't finish my sentence because Kinsley's wretched wails echoed on the phone.


Kinsley's voice slowly became distant until I couldn't hear anything but myself as I breathed hard. I unblinkingly stared in blank space. I couldn't move.

Jasmeen's death was the hardest pill that life had given me to swallow. No amount of time can stop me from questioning myself and how I failed as her brother. It will haunt me forever.

It was hard to accept that the world still turned even after her death. People eventually moved on with their lives and I had to move on to. I have to continue with my life because I know it's what she would have wanted, so I did.

I heard the clearing of throat. "Excuse me," a girl's loud voice followed. It instantly caught my attention. I stopped listening to my friends talk and looked in front.

I stilled on my seat and my eyes widened when I saw who it was. I blinked a few times to make sure I wasn't seeing things. She was still there. My lips parted.

Her eyes found mine. I nearly dropped dead on the floor. She raised a brow at me and looked away. Oh, fuck. She caught me staring. I'm so pathetic.

"May meeting si Prof. Mercado ngayon," she said. Everyone rejoiced. She smiled as if she found it funny. "But he sent me to give you an activity that needs to be submitted today."

I had to look away from her and ask for a paper from my friend. Sinulat ko ang pangalan at section ko sa itaas na bahagi.

"You can leave after niyo matapos," she announced, making me look at her again. Nasilayan ko ang pag-upo niya sa harapan.

'Ate!" one guy, Jeric, called and raised his hand.

Fabienne smiled at him. What a lucky bastard. "Ano 'yon?"

"Ano pong pangalan mo? Need ko lang po sa thesis," he joked and that made everyone laugh except for me. I mentally grunted and rolled my eyes.

I brought my attention back to my paper and started with the activity. Madali lang 'yon. Kaya kong tapusin in fifteen minutes pero nang makita na umaalis ang iba sa room at paunti nang paunti ang tao ay naisip ko na h'wag na munang umalis.

It was a rare opportunity to be in one room with Fabienne. Gusto kong sulitin ang bawat ang segundo.

I can still remember the time I first saw Fabienne. I didn't know who she was then. I was alone in an empty elevator and the door was about to close when I heard someone shout 'wait'. I quickly pressed the open door button in reflex. As the door opened, her adorable distressed face shifting into a bright smile was the first thing I saw. I was stupefied and remained stupefied even as she thanked me.

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