17. Persuasiveness

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The others present did not know what they should be more interested in at the moment. For the conversation between Dumbledore and Harry, or the reconciliation of Snape and Sirius.
but as it was likely that the director would expose any eavesdropper immediately, both students and Order members decided to focus their attention on the other two. The staring eyes elicited only Snape and Siri raised eyebrows.
McGonagall could not help himself.
"Well, after all, they are already in one agreement."
Agreed laughter was the answer.
Luna, who did not want the two boys talking about this silly behavior into the water, exchanged a look with Remus. after she nodded, he grabbed Sirius and dragged him to the farthest corner of the room. The Ravenclaw, however, moved without much discussion, the Potions master behind. Before the teacher could answer, the girl interrupted him.
"Harry's right, if you marry him, you'll have to get along with Sirius. After all, Harry loves his godfather and so encounters are inevitable. And it would be rather bad if both of them then constantly annoy each other. "
"Same for you, Siri, you've seen how much Harry trusted Severus, then you should do the same," Remus intervened.
Sirius looked at his partner in disbelief.
"Tell me, did you forget what happened in our school days? I hardly believe that is cleared up with a conversation. Especially when I think of my seldom stupid prank that nearly killed our bat here. "
Snape snorted when he was dubbed Bat again, but he also noticed that Black seemed to have at least a guilty conscience when thinking of his actions back then. That was at least a start.
luna saw it the same way and addressed the next words to both men.
"Harry once told me that he was bullied by his cousin for years, but the Harry Hunt was probably the most harmless. I asked him if he could ever forgive Dudley, his answer was, and I quote verbatim: 'Dudley was brought up by his parents to dislike me, which means if he's with me for the next two years Act sorry, I could forgive him. but if he would wait twenty years with his apology, he might like me. '"
,"And that's where the problem is, with Severus and me the argument is over twenty years back and I've never apologized to him, even though I knew my actions were wrong."
"But you were in Azkaban at that time, so you could not talk to him badly. but now you have the opportunity and you should use, "Remus tried to talk to him well.
"How did you manage to accept him?"
Sirius had been dealing with this question for some time. though he knew that Snape was still grumpy for the werewolf, but not as hostile as he was two years ago.
"Quite simply, after being almost responsible for Severus death for the second time, I sat down with him and we spoke out. Besides, it was not Severus' idea to reveal my secret to the student council, but mine. "
"Because I attacked not only another teacher but also three students. And to make matters worse, Wormtail escaped. I thought it would be better to leave school, and since Peter would have betrayed me anyway, I asked Severus to do it. So he could consolidate his camouflage. "
Sirius thought about it briefly and had to prove Remus right. it would have been pretty obvious if the alleged spy had done nothing for the nameless man against the presence of a 'monster' at the school. So he just nodded resignedly.
"Well then, Luna and I keep the others from interfering with your reconciliation."
With that the two went back to the others, who immediately stormed them with questions.

For a moment, Snape and Black just stood facing each other, staring at each other. Surprisingly, it was the Potions master who broke the silence.
"Since it seems important to Harry, and your wolf and Ms. Lovegood are right about what they say, we should somehow try to come to terms with each other. I do not know where to start. "
Sirius stared dumbfounded for a few seconds before recovering.
"First and foremost I would like to apologize for my behavior in the past. even if you are a Slytherin, that did not give me the right to constantly steal you, and certainly not because I was bored. I do not expect you to forgive me, that would be presumptuous, but I hope we can find a common ground for Harry's sake. "
Severus, who had not lost sight of Black for a moment, could not make out any ulterior motives or lies in his words. and so he nodded after a short while and even shook hands with his former nemesis, who also took them by surprise.
"Say, one thing interests me though. Since when do you care how Harry is, and please do not tell me now that it's 'only' because of his injuries, because then I guess I'd have to curse you. "
Severus could not help but lift his mouth slightly. That was so typical Gryffindor.
"I have been a spy since my schooldays. Believe me, even though Harry's injuries and physical condition are frightening, I have seen much worse.
however, as I said earlier, my dad was a drunk and he did not treat me and my mother much better than that damned Dursley did to the boy. So I know approximately how your godchild feels. I was simply fascinated by the way he deals with these experiences. I became a cynical, self-contained loner, but Harry has preserved his loveable nature. He does not hate people and still has faith in us all. though, and you have to admit, we behaved shamefully toward the boy.
It is precisely for these reasons that I decided that I wanted to try to get to know him better, and I noticed how versatile this child is. Incidentally, I would advise you the same. and do me a favor and never call him James again, or you will end up stuffed in your dog form on my estate. "
Now it was time to smile at Sirius. apparently it was not just about getting to know Harry better, even the beastly potions master apparently had some surprises in store. The Animagus would never have dreamed that his former schoolmate could display such a protective instinct.
but one thing saddened Sirius: did he really call his godchild James? That would be bad enough if James had been the best of all fathers, but so ... He had to apologize to Harry, too. The boy must have felt he was just a cheap substitute for his father. Sadly, he nodded to his counterpart.
But then he had another question:
"Tell me, how did Harry actually know that Remus and I are climbing the broom from the other side?"
Severus was a little confused by the sudden change of subject, not to mention the wording, but then a typical Slytherin grin crept on his face.
"Let's just say it, your wolf and you, you may want to put Silent Charms on your bedroom in the future, before more people become ear-witnesses to your relationship. Woof."
At first, Sirius just looked at him perplexed, then his complexion turned white, then red, and then he started to laugh. He drew the attention of the whole group back to him, but he did not seem to notice that, assuming his next words.
"Oh man, Remus is going to kill me, he's sure to ask me every night ten times, if I've really spoken all the spells, and now that."
"Sirius Orion Black, do you still have all the kettles in the lab? Roar around here! And what, please, do you mean, I'll kill you? "
remus had turned red at the exclamation of his companion and was now shooting at just incredible speed.
"Um, Remi, I'm sorry, but I think I eventually forgot to put the Silencing Charms on our room and well, apparently Harry was witness to my animalistic idiom", it came now rather meekly and very quietly from Sirius. he could barely keep himself from showing his lover his throat, but still looked at him guiltily.
The werewolf's reaction was an exact copy of what Sirius had just shown, except that he did not start to laugh but growl.
"This is just unreal. Of all the people who could have heard us, it just had to be my puppy, and only because you could not think because of sheer lust again. now it will be enough, in the future I will take care of the wards, otherwise we will stand still in the Daily Prophet because of your negligence. "
Snape, standing beside the two Marauders the whole time, was amazed at how resolutely Remus dealt with Black. he had always thought that Lupine would submit to the Blackerbe, he was probably wrong.
Sirius, who seemed to be reading Snape's thoughts, replied:
"It does not look like it, but Remus is an alpha, a very sovereign one at that. unless I've screwed up, then it can get hotter. "
Severus merely nodded.
"Well, since you seem to have cleared everything so far, we can go back to the others. Meanwhile, Hermione's own questions drive Luna crazy. "
the two black-haired people nodded their agreement and followed the 'alpha animal'.

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