61. Transformation, the second

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Arrived at the apartment, Harry immediately plunged onto his playing animals.
Hedgehog seemed to have fooled Frog, at least the little boy was on him like on Harry's head.
severus wanted to talk to his husband as soon as possible about his previous adventures. However, he wanted to avoid that felt like an interrogation.
That's why he had an idea how to make it more enjoyable.
"Do you want to bathe with me?"
His kitten suddenly changed color in dark red.
Severus took Harry in his arms and pulled him closer to him.
"N ... no, just a little embarrassing."
"Why? We have already shared some intimate moments. "
"Yes ... a ... but we were never naked."
the last part of the boy had rattled down only quietly and quickly. Severus had understood him anyway.
"Do you feel uncomfortable seeing me naked?"
After all, Severus knew that he was not exactly fulfilling the beauty ideal of most. and though his kid had already confessed to loving him, it did not have to mean he wanted it here.
Harry, on the other hand, looked at him in irritation.
"You're welcome! How did you get it? I already told you that I think I'm sexy, I mean, attractive. "
in his excitement he did not even have time to blush at what he said.
"What are you embarrassed then?"
Harry looked bashfully at Severus chest, unwilling to meet his eyes.
"Me, I'm just a kid ... drought ... and ..."
At that point, the boy broke off completely. he just stared stubbornly at the black shirt in front of him.
Severus raised an eyebrow in surprise. Did his kid think he was ugly? Incredible, even before Harry's transformation into a half-cat, he could have had ten boys and girls on each hand. This had doubled again since this school year.
And here the boy stood completely confused and intimidated.
In the last few weeks, Harry had proved so strong that the jailer forgot how the boy really looked. he did not seem to have wound time with the Dursleys by a long shot. Not surprisingly enough, Severus just had to think about his own childhood.
Carefully, he put a finger under Harry's chin and forced the boy to look at him.
"Harry, listen to me, no matter what your relatives said about you and your appearance, it's not true. You are neither puny nor anything else. Yes, you are smaller than the average, but that is only a result of years of hunger. Please do not be so worried about your appearance. Besides, what should I say then please? I'm tall, but pale. I have a crooked and crooked nose that makes me look like the evil witch from the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. And finally there are my long skinny fingers. "
harry had gotten bigger and bigger eyes during the tirade, but now he interrupted his counterpart. He stretched and traced his husband's nose.
"I like your nose, especially the little humps. And you have no scrawny fingers. It's more like a musician's hands. "
severus could only shake his head. No one else would describe his appearance like his kitten. But that was one of the reasons why Severus fell more and more in love with Harry, the boy just saw things with his own eyes and was not talked into by anyone.
"And what do you say? do we want to take a bath? "
This time, Harry nodded.

In the bathroom, the boy hesitated again. Severus did not let that bother him and just undressed.
When he wanted to slide into the tub, he felt the small hand of his companion on his back.
Amazed, he looked around.
Harry did some scars.
"Amongst other things. Some are also from my father. "
Yes, even Severus' childhood had been anything but easy, though not nearly as bad as Harry's.
The Nekomata just nodded and then undressed too.
Severus looked sadly at its scarring. Although many had gone back, but the claw marks on the side and the many deep wounds on the back would stay well for the boy.
When Harry noticed the reaction, he just smiled.
"Do not make such a face. Strangely enough, the scars are least of all. "
Severus just pulled the boy next to him. Luckily the tub was big enough.
"I love this tub, it's almost like a small swimming pool. And much more comfortable than the Prefect-Bath. "
and there they were already on the topic.

"Tell me, do not you want to tell me about your last years here?"
"But you know what I've experienced."
"I know what everyone knows, and maybe some more. but I had no idea of ​​Dumbledore's mission in your third year, or the number with the spiders. I would like to know more about it. "
Harry sighed, not thrilled, but then he did not want to lie to Severus.
"Please promise me not to get mad."
"At least not for you."
Resigned, the boy nodded.
"What do you know about my first year?"
"That I saved you from falling from the broom. That you three madmen have set out in search of the Philosopher's Stone. just what Albus told at the graduation party. But I do not know, for example, how you even found the entrance to our case cabinet? "
"That was more a mistake. Hermione, Ron, Neville and I were running away from Mrs. Norris and fled to Fluffy's room. stupid mistake, by the way, one of the heads has pretty much shredded my cloak. We just came out of it thanks to Hermione. "
"Great. How was it with the troll? Is that the story Ms. Granger told? "
"Not even remotely. When we were on our way to our tower, Ron realized that Hermione was still in the washroom and had no idea about the attack. We just wanted to warn her. Unfortunately, the troll was faster. and before you ask, we did not tell a teacher because there was no one left. You've all been in the dungeon, or, in your case, Fluffy. "
"Do not remember me," Severus growled.
"By the way, the director came up with the idea with the mirror Nerhegeb, because he caught me as I was standing in front of it."
"One more point on Dumbledore's how-to-me-me-at-Severus-unpopular list. How can he just leave the part hanging around like that? "
Harry shrugged.
"Did something happen in the second year, except that you went to the forest again? And how the hell did you survive? "
"Mr. Weasley's car lives there since our accident, he saved us. "
Severus preferred not to comment.
"Well, and we were always there where there was another incident, you know. I've always heard someone talking in parsels. "
"You are the only students who run into trouble instead of avoiding it."
"I've heard that before. And otherwise, oh yes. When Hagrid was taken away, we were in his hut. Dumbledore was there, too, saying that anyone who seeks help at Hogwarts would find it. When we heard that Lockhart knew how to kill the cattle, Ron and I went to show him the entrance to the chamber. And what do we see? The guy just wanted to escape! "
"What have you done?"
Harry grinned at his husband.
"At least for something the dueling club was good."
"Yep, then we're in the chamber, Lockhart accidentally turned his own memory into cabbage soup, I fought Fawkes help against Riddle and the basilisk, and we left with Ginny. Oh, the chamber has destroyed itself. "
"You fought a basilisk?"
"Um, I thought you knew that."
"No, our director has kept that to himself. He just said that Riddle was responsible for the attacks. "
"Well. What was the third year? "
"You already know everything. Oh yes, I got the card of the Marauders. "
"That was the thing that insulted me?"
Severus knew about the map by now and he had been very angry with Remus when he heard that the boy had reproduced the map.
"What was last year?"
"You know most of that, too. Hagrid had shown me the dragons before, and since I knew the other schools' teachers were going to tell their students, I thought it only fair that Cedric should not be the only one ignorant. He then helped me with the second task. He told me the password for the prefect bathroom and said that water would help me think. Unfortunately, the wrong Moody got his hands on the card otherwise Cedy might still be alive. "
severus pulled Harry into his arms.
"It's not your fault."
Harry just leaned into the hug and said nothing.

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