71. Christmas with the HA

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Packed with presents and Severus on his arm, it was on the last evening before the holidays to the Room of Wishes.
"You look like St. Nicholas, who has always come to our primary school."
Harry gave his husband a crooked look. he just grinned at him contentedly.
"I hope for you, that you only talk about my cloth bag here. If that is an allusion to my weight, I'll sleep with Luna during the holidays. "
The grin on Severus face disappeared again immediately.
"Of course I did not talk about your weight. Besides, you're still way too thin. But think Fred would be so thrilled if you slept with Luna. "
"The two are far from that."
"I hope so too," Severus growled back.
Now it was up to Harry to giggle. funny as Severus behaved as soon as the conversation fell on his sister's relationship.
"Do not worry, Luna knows what she's doing. Just like me."
Harry snuggled up against his husband and glared up at him innocently.
"Worse than any drug," whispered Severus.

By now they had arrived at the Room of Requirement.
The house elves had already prepared everything nicely. Although they were guests themselves. But it could not be otherwise. A house elf who was not allowed to work was deadly unhappy.
also some members of the HA were already there, including his sister with her redhead. "
"Hello you two. It looks really great here. "
Luna jumped on Harry and hugged him.
"Yes, the house elves have outdone themselves. they enjoy making a party in which they participate themselves. "
Harry put down his sack of presents. Then his animals, who of course were all present today, were allowed to explore the room. Much to the delight of those already present.
"Good evening, Severus, you would have ever dreamed that we would be invited to a celebration of the students?"
"Good evening Aurora, until a few months ago, I would not even have expected that ever a student would be happy to see me. I believe that with my reputation I can forget. And I lost the election to the least popular teacher this year. "
Aurora burst into loud laughter.
"Yes, against Umbridge not even Argus arrives. Similar to Lockhart what? "
Severus snorted. the guy had really lost his nerve.
"Did you know that the kids made bets then, how long does it take me to witch that kid to the infirmary?"
"You mean the Duelclup?"
"No, on Valentine's Day," Severus grumbled.
This again caused a laugh of his colleague.
No wonder the day was legendary.

Half an hour later everyone was there. They distributed themselves to the desired seating. Aurora noticed how comfortable such a beanbag was.
"I think we need one in our apartment."
Dimitrius was quite in agreement and nestled next to his wife.
After everyone was covered in food and drink, Harry took the floor.
he had placed himself in a box of soft plush padding directly to Severus' feet. A fact that had already provided for amusement.
"Nice that you all came. If you are expecting a speech from me you have to wait a long time. You know how I hate that. I just wanted to spend an evening with you all. Without training and without thinking about that out there. "
Harry did not have to say what he meant by that. Everyone knew that the words were about the war.
"Only one thing I want to say. I thank our dear house elves for their effort, and thank you for coming today. This also applies to Severus and Professor Sinistra.
And yes, I know we did not say any presents. But you know that sometimes I have a real problem with following rules. "
With that he grabbed his bag.
"It's just a small thing and the same for everyone.
Neville, the Weasleys, Hermione, Luna and you Severus, you will not receive your presents until Christmas. Oh yes, Luna and Hermione helped me here. "
and with a quick spell the souvenirs landed with those present.
"Before you ask, yes you can open it."
And already the scraps flew. The next moment loud squeals and enthusiastic shouts were heard.
Curious, the two teachers leaned forward.
The gifts were photo albums.
Harry sat down next to Severus. He also had one in his hand.
"We collected pictures of the group. Each album is individually designed. So not always the same. it's just so many nice memories that I wanted to capture them. "
"That sounds like goodbye somehow. But you want to continue the HA, right? "
"Of course, but at some point everyone leaves school, so it's nice to have that kind of thing."
"That's true, of course. It sure was a lot of work to do it all. "
"Oh, we are magicians, it's faster."
Severus smiled and turned a page. In one picture was the great hall, and everywhere Patronus flew around. Since these were magical pictures, the effect intensified naturally. severus kept turning the pages.
"Hey, what's that?"
"Oh, the members wanted to thank the elves for their protection from Umbridge. That's why we held an hour where the kids were our teachers. "
"You really talked about their culture?"
Severus was not surprised. the elves proved great trust.
"None of us will reveal anything, you know that."
The Potions master nodded in understanding.
"And why are you all white in this picture?"
"Hihi, because we baked cookies with the elves. and as you can see, for some it was the first experience in the kitchen. It was fun. "

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