32. The Dursleys 2

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After the conversation with Dumbledore, it was time for dinner.severus already dreaded it; first, he knew that the questions would only pounce on him and his partner, and, second, some of the attendees, most notably Ron Weasley, had terrible table manners. Also, the Potions Master was still mad at Harry's friends for the wedding gift they had sent them.
Arriving in the dining room, Severus's fears turned out to be true. No sooner had the two sat down than the questions came. however, the curious pack was surprisingly thwarted by Sirius.
"Now let them eat at least in peace. I'm sure we'll know soon enough what a punishment the Dursleys are expecting. "
"You're right, though. and to shorten further questions, we have decided that you will only learn more details after we have been with Harry's impossible relatives. "
"By the way, I've come up with something to put these damned letter writers in their place. if you want, I'll tell you after dinner. "
"I'll leave that to you and Severus, I'll be fine in that case."
Harry really did not feel like listening to his godfather's revenge fantasies. but if he remembered what the Marauders had done to Severus at the time, he felt very different. ,not that Harry was not in favor of putting those outrageous wizards in their place, but some of Sirius' ideas might have tried on Severus at the time, and he did not have to hear that.
his musings were interrupted by a well-filled plate that Molly was putting right in front of his nose. Next to it stood a small bowl of bird salad, which was just an incredible magnet for Harry. Without paying any attention to the conversation around him, the cat-boy grabbed the bowl and began attacking the innocent salad. With a dreamy expression he ate the delicious food.
It took a while for the others to notice Harry's strange behavior. There sat the boy with a glazed expression, his eyes half-closed, his ears up, his tail whipping wildly about.
"Harry, are you alright?"
the boy did not even hear the question of his partner, but just continued to feed his salad. Questioning looks were exchanged, no one could figure out Harry's behavior. After a while, however, a scream broke the silence.
"Oh, Merlin, take the salad away from the boy right now!"
It was Professor McGonagall who gave this order, waving his arms completely untypically for this Scot.
Severus acted immediately and tore Harry away from the bowl. At first nothing happened, but then.
Harry looked around indignantly, who had the gall to steal his food? With ears covered, the cat hybrid looked around. When he found the culprit, he bared his teeth and started wildly pecking.
To say that Severus was amazed at this behavior would be an understatement. What had happened to those so gentle boys that he reacted that way? The Potions master merely raised an eyebrow and brought the salad out of the reach of his savage man.

only slowly Harry's eyes cleared and he looked around the room in confusion.
"What happened? And why are you staring at me all so weird? "
It was the Transfiguration teacher who answered him:
"It looks like you have not only got the characteristics of a cat, but also their vulnerabilities."
This only brought the teacher confused looks.
"Minerva, would you please clarify? I'd like to avoid getting hit by Harry sometime when possible. "
"It's easy, Severus. Cats are very sensitive to some plants. And bird salad has about the same effect as catnip. "
"Wait a minute, does that mean I was just into drug addiction ?!"
"You can call it something like that. I already had these experiences myself when I first turned into my Animagus form. "
"Great, so that means I can not eat bird salad anymore? That's mean. It tastes so good. "
that pouting made the entire party laugh, except for Severus and Harry.
"Minerva, would you be able to help Harry deal with his new nature?"
"I'm glad I just do not know if he's really reacting to everything like I did back then. Mr. Snape, maybe you should talk to Crookshanks, he can certainly help you too. "

Harry just nodded. Merlin, hopefully that was not happening to him at Hogwarts, that would be very embarrassing. best of all, he looked for a few books about cats to avoid this in the future.
The rest of the food was relatively quiet, although Harry always felt the need to hunt wildly through the rooms. That was probably an aftereffect of 'drug use', but such a crap.

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