123. Snake in love

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Once in the apartment, Harry shipped the frozen snake to the fireplace. Then he heated up and called his animals.
They all came immediately. Also the birds.
"Hey my dears. Our good Nagini was outside at the temperatures. please be so kind and help me to warm them. "
It was clear to the animals that they did not think the snake's idea was good. But of course they helped with the warm-up.
Fawkes made his plumage hotter, as did his little daughter. hedwig snuggled against Nagini's flank.
The same thing was done by frog, yuki and hedgehogs.
Zähnchen grew up and lay down on the trembling snake.
And Harry took her head in her lap and stroked her.
-Buttons.- Repeated Harry.
-I know, I've had better ideas before, the snake admitted.
Severus, who of course did not understand, sat with a book next to Harry, but on the sofa. He would leave that to his husband. But he stroked again and again on the cold scales of the animal. even if he had to bend down a bit for that.
"I should get a warm-up potion," he mumbled.
Harry shook his head.
"Does not bring anything to her. Hagrid had already asked me about it. He wanted to take our serpent lady to the forest last week. "
severus nodded, then turned back to his book.

Harry allowed Nagini to warm up for a while. Otherwise he would probably get no understandable answers.
-Do you tell me why you did that? -
-Yes, but first I have to confess something to you.-
the vampire counsel cocked his head.
-I'm not a priest, but please.-
From the snake came an amused licking.
-We have known each other for longer than you think. To be precise, you freed me then.
Now the snake just had to wait for Harry to click.
that did not last long either.
Nagini nodded and squinted guiltily at the young man.
-Yes I.-
-But, but, you, I mean. Wait, I'll start again. You wanted to go to Brazil at the time. What happened?-
Wistfully Nagini looked into the distance. she enjoyed the pats while remembering the events.
-Yes, I wanted to go there too. But somehow I could not forget you. I mean, a person who can talk to snakes? That was just too good to be true. At some point I decided to change my plans. My new goal was to find you again. Not so easy for a snake. I could not ask anyone badly.
-Do you really wanted to come to me? That's sweet.-
Harry grinned over his ears and cuddled the snake neatly through.
She giggled her snake-giggles.
-Yes, even snakes want to talk. We are not so antisocial as we always say.
- I like to believe you. Let me guess, a certain lord has got in the way? -

From the hiss that followed Harry's question, Severus jumped.
"What happened?" He wanted to know.
"Nothing, just a bad memory of Riddle," Harry told his man.
The jailer stroked the shed calmingly.
"Poor thing."
Although Nagini did not really understand the man, she could tell from his smell that he cared for her.
A warm feeling spread in the cold-blooded horse.

-To come back to the topic, yes, the man got in my way.
I was attracted to Riddle, as was the case with you back then. That's probably because you two can talk to us snakes.
When I met him I was not as fascinated with him as it was with you back then. But I was curious. Another human with the ability to understand me.-
- So you stayed with him? "Concluded the Vampirkater.
The stupidest idea that ever had one of our kind, "the beast said bitterly.
Harry lifted the snake's head and put a kiss on it. He liked doing that, and Nagini seemed to like it too.
-Thank you. I had not been with him long before his companion began to enchant me. This Peter. what became of me, you can see clearly now. I was a strangler and now I'm half a basilisk. Only that luckily I do not send out deadly looks. But he needed my poison to survive.
-I know, I saw that in my dreams. "
Harry still shuddered when he thought back to it.
- Believe me, I felt the Horcrux magic just like you. Würg.-
-When did he make a container out of you? -
-Directly after his resurrection. He just killed a human and split his soul. well, the rest you know yourself. I became his personal killer, no one asked for my wishes.
Harry nodded.
Pain and the feeling of not being alone in his body are probably the most harmless.
Again silence followed.

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