
635 18 0

<< 三 >>

25 / 05 / 2090
01:01 p.m.

❝ z e r o ❞ 

" DIVISION paraiba, please report to the stimulation center immediately."

Zero sighs. she hates stimulation. the relentless torture of being thrown into her own mind, where they stimulate an experience of someone invading ICE, though she was not sure who the person was. she could never remember the person, the experience and everything altogether. she could only know if she had passed or not. nevertheless, she must go. 

the girl walks to the stimulation ring, clad in dark clothes that pull too tight around her figure.

"hey, Zero!" 

she turns her head around, the bun that she always maintained on her head not moving in the slightest at the sudden movement. it was One. 

the younger flounced to her, carefree and seemingly not bothered about the stimulation. "oh. hello, One," she says curtly. it was not that Zero did not like his company, but similar to Six, the Vampire liked to suck her blood sometimes. it wasn't as if he could help it, but it was annoying.

he blows his bangs from his face, the brown locks that decorated his forehead pushed to either side. "so, stimulation, huh?" 

well, obviously, she wanted to spit, but years of experience taught her to hold her tongue. 

"yes, and we are about to be late for it if we continue walking."

One just winks at her, before taking off at full speed down the corridor, his laughter echoing around her. 

damned Vampire.

"welcome to the stimulation," says a robotic voice, evidently female. there was no one but the eight Operations, who were waiting for the damn introduction to be over already. "but today will be different," it continues, but she does not see the point in 'different'. how would she compare this time to anything else, if she could not remember anything?

"well, you see..."

a sigh over the inter-comm.

"it will be your last."

her heart wanted to soar, but there was something preventing it from doing that. there was something unsaid, some truth untold. and it burdened her needlessly.

"interesting," Four says, his voice still cheery somehow. not that she expected anything less from the Actor, who must have got his title from somewhere. 

the exit and entrance doors slam shut. 

"see you in the arena...

Division Paraiba."

is the last thing she heard as her head hits the floor.

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