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12.40 a.m.

❝ z e r o ❞

SLICE. the sound echoed in the dead silent corridor. the last body fell, and the Operations slump with relief. they were tired, and injured. luckily, it was more or less over, now that every last person in ICE was dead, every Division. except for two very, very important people.

the Alpha and the Beta. the two remaining ones from the Division Lazuli.

"could they have escaped?" she asked, wiping off the silver blood off her face with the back of her hand. Five, always the analyst and the strategist, shakes his head in response. "they are not cowards. they are Lazuli — they would just stalk us and wait for the time to pounce."

"well, he's right, to an extent," the purring voice of none other than the Beta sounds. "we are not cowards." 

her eyes catch a flash of black, before a figure is falling, falling, through the air and going onto her. had she not moved away in time, she would have died. she snapped up a shield quickly, and all the members go on offensive, crouching and snarling. Two shifts from his growling tiger to a grinning panther (really, what was with his obsession with big cats?). 

"no, no, no," the Beta laughs, "i only want to fight Zero, the pretty girl." 

what? me? she thinks, her insides shriveling up. damn it. however, she cannot show her fear, and instead forces a cheerful laugh from her throat. "oh, alright. sure, a one-on-one combat." she disperses the shield, and walks forward with the staff. "Zero, don't do this—" the others start, but she turns around. 

"don't worry, i've got this. stay down," she coaxes them. Two snarls at her, but she just snarls back. 

she wasn't saying her last goodbyes, she was waiting for the Beta to pounce on her, by wearing its patience. the Operations see what her plan was, and played along. 

"she going to kill you!"
"it's okay, One."
"no, it's not!"
"guys, chill."

she could feel a burning presence behind her. the Beta was readying to jump. 

"should we serve chocolates at your funeral?" 

she spins around in time, and catches the Beta's sword. with her staff, she knocks the Beta on the floor, and unhands her swiftly. before the Beta could react, her own sword was sticking out of her own body. 

the Beta dropped limp on the floor, and her mask rolled off as well. 

the Beta was a girl.

"yes, and a pretty one at that."

seriously? she wants to scream in frustration. i just defeated the damn Beta, and you have to come? could you give me a break?

"Alpha," she said, turning. 

the Alpha's hands were bound by a flame circlet, courtesy of Four. he, she, whatever, was kneeling on the floor. 

Seven ripped the mask off the Alpha's face, and tossed it aside. 

somehow, his face seemed familiar. "the name's yugyeom," he grins, seemingly reading her mind. "and we dated in the past, little Magician."

(a/n: well... that escalated quickly)

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