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5. 58 a.m.

❝ z e r o ❞

SHE did not know why she volunteered to stay up to watch the camp, but she did, though the night spent was trying to not wake up, rather than actively patrolling the camp. now that morning had come, it was time for her to go sleep. "ugh... my head," groans the voice of Two, whom she sees is the first to walk out. "good morning. had a good sleep?" she purred, her voice attracting his attention. "Zero? What are you doing here?" he asks, but then looks at his surroundings through squinted eyes. "what am i doing here? thought i died?" he frowns. she huffs out a laugh. "you didn't. after all, this kind of was a simulation. when you 'died', they transported you to cells and kept you locked up. we broke in. you're welcome," she replies, to which he gives a mocking bow. "good to see you back, though," she sniffs using an arm to awkwardly half-hug him, before going off to her place to sleep. as she was going to snuggle herself in, the others were seen waking up. their faces were not clear, as her eyes were bleary with sleep, but she could make out the figures. only Five and Six were not awake – Five because he was awake 'til late the previous night, Six because... well, it was Six. he could sleep through an atomic bomb explosion, or maybe an alien invasion, only to wake up pissed and grumpy. "goodnight," she mumbles to herself, before wriggling in the sleeping bag to get comfortable, then falling fast asleep.

it wasn't long before she woke up. the Magician never needed lots of sleep, just a little nap in which she could rest and recuperate, before she was ready to face the next day. so often would she fall asleep at three in the morning, there was a period of time where she was convinced she was either nocturnal or had mild insomnia. (a/n: Dreamcatcherrrrrr skjskksjskksj). she might have only taken an hour, gods. "good morning," she tries to chirp, but knows she failed miserably, cringing at how fake she had sounded. She stumbles out of the bag, unable to see. she had myopia, but as often as she relied on contact lenses, when no one was around, she used glasses. she never wore them in front of anyone, because of how ugly she looked. but now, she hadn't any choice. contact lenses were hard to conjure up, because they were so very delicate, and her magic was not.

"all round our nest, far as the eye can pass, 

are golden kingcup-fields with silver edge. where the cow-parsley skirts the hawthorn-hedge'tis visible silence, still as the hour-glass,"

she chants, though yawning halfway. a thin-framed pair of glasses appear in front of her, and she plucks it from the air, wearing it. it felt a hell lot better as she could see. at least, these pair were better than her usual pair, which was thick-framed and rectangular. this one was rounded, and the black frame was thin. she strode over to where they sat around a fire that did not give off smoke, which could only have been the courtesy of Four. "never seen you wear glasses before. you know, you don't have to look cute for me," Two says, winking. always the flirt, she thought, rolling her eyes at him before taking her place on the log that no one sat on. Sometimes, the boys would tell her that she and Six were destined for each other, for their personalities were so similar. she did not disagree with the second part, but with the first. it was almost as if when she became the Magician, it also rendered her unable to feel romantic feelings for anyone. not that she felt that a tragedy – she never really cared for relationships.

"glad you guys are awake," she starts, glancing at the men sitting around the fire. their attention turns to her at her words, and so she clears her throat, before giving her most sinister smirk.

"up for some killing?" 

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